041 / W-Whatever

174 2 3

Wc: 333

Oct. 2nd, 2020 8:00 pm

"Five?...Hey, Five..." Five didn't even realize he cried himself to sleep. Well not cried but you know.

"Huh? I'm up...I'm up." He mutters opening the door quickly. "It's time to eat." He whispers before walking away. Five watches as the boy's perfect posture straightens as he walks down the stairs.

"Got eyes for Seven don't ya?" "N-No. Fucker." Five chuckles pushing Four.

—a bit later

Everyone sits quietly at the table, continuing to eat and whisper. Not Two and Four.

Earlier when Four had opened the door they stared at each other for a split second before he closed the door again. It's been hours. They haven't talked once. That's unusual. They're best friends.

Three yelps as the chair under her disappears. "Hey. Fucker!" She gets up, walking towards Five quickly. "What are you looking at me for? I d-didn't do that." He grumbles sitting his fork and knife down.

"Then why is my chair right here?" "D-Don't ask me. I d-didn't do it." He grumbles again.

"Such a fucking liar." She rolls her eyes, bringing her chair back to her spot.

"Number Five." "L-Listen Pops. I didn't do it." "Nobody can do what you do." "Is that supposed to m-make me feel better? It doesn't." He murmurs.

"At l-least, I'm not Seven." Stan glares at the boy, already tired with whatever bs he's pulling.

"What? We all th-think that." "Yeah, I know. No need to remind me." "Idiots should b-be reminded." He shrugs. "At least I don't have a fucking stutter." Fives hand wraps around the boy's wrist.

"Five." "What??" "Sit down." Reginald pulls his monocle back towards his eye.

"He's the one arguing." He grumbles disappearing, his bedroom door shuts.

"Five?" "Listen fucker. L-Leave me alone. Y-You're making my life miserable." He says clearly not in a good mood. "I was just gonna give you your phone back." He whispers.


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