075 / Unused and Forgotten

121 2 3

Wc: 408

Many people older than the six admire the neatness of their matching uniforms.

Bill grips the smaller one's hand gently, pulling him through a sea of people. Richie does the same with a clearly annoyed Eddie.

"No time for small talk. Split up. All of you." Stan glances at Bill, not knowing exactly what he's gonna be able to do in this situation.

"I'll e-explain." Seven nods feeling the warm hand wrap around his waist gently.

"S-Stay close...they can b-be anywhere." He nods paying close attention to anyone who makes eye contact with the two.

"This room." Five gently nudged the boy into the correct room, his thumbs on his lower back, leading him into a small corridor.

"What are we looking for exactly?" "That." Bill grins grabbing a packet of papers with a couple of simple words on it.

'Academy Records'

"Is that for?-" "T-The Umbrella
academy? Yes. C'mon." Seven listens closely, a pair of loud voices startle him.

"Hide come on." Bill pulls the smaller one under a desk, sitting him in between his legs. The two sit in a small space.

Bill feels the boy's back and ribs expand each time he breathes.

"Yeah...they're still here...two of them aren't in the crowd...they're kids- I understand... yes ma'am."

Bill runs his thumb up and down the boy's neck and his arms are wrapped around the boy's neck gently.

Seven holds onto the boy's wrists gently. Listening to the soft snores of the older one.

"Bill...wake up...they're gone." He whispers nudging the boy. "Huh? Oh...c'mon." The smaller one helps him out from under the desk.

"Don't l-look at me that way...I like being in small places." He shrugs chuckling that he had fallen asleep. With the smaller one in his arms.

"Grab that...h-hide it." Seven does as he's told, pulling it into the side of his jacket.

"I thought you were smart." "And I thought you were in a good mood," Richie grumbles picking the lock to some sort of safe thing.

"I am...this is taking too long." "You do it then." Two nods, using a smaller knife and picking the lock.

"Hurry." Eddie gently picks the things up. Another packet of papers.

'Unused that Forgotten Numbers'

"What do you think that means?" "Isn't there like forty-three of us?" "True." Eddie sighs handing it to the taller one to hide.

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