Hello hello hello

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I have lied. Well, sort of.

First: to all you lovely people who read, voted (pretty sure I know what that is by now), commented, shared, whatever you did... thank you, thank you, thank you! The support is awesome!

Now down to business. To those who I told I was planning a sequel, not a complete lie. I did post the next one and then I realized something. I wasn't too thrilled to be doing it. Rewriting it I mean. I just didn't feel right.

I'm debating whether of not to keep the prologue up or to take it down. I was proud of that mysterious opening though. I had a couple of scenes I was excited to write but not enough for an engaging story.

Sorry 'bout this...

I'm not sure if this/ I'm still relevant or not, but for those who wanted to know... sequel? Not gonna happen.

Always and forever,


Percy Jackson: Right Hand Man of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now