Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Annabeth and I woke up the next morning and went down to the Big House the next morning, the mood was grim. Chiron was fletching arrows, and the Apollo kids were stocking up on bandages, Nectar, and Ambrosia for all the injuries they were predicting. Annabeth went over to the ping pong table and stood by her mom. She bent over and examined the map. Athena, Poseidon, Zeus, and Ares surrounded behind her and peered over her shoulder. She was pointing to different parts of the camp and telling them what they should do.

“Poseidon, take the beach and ocean. Athena, takeover battle-command here in the Big House. Zeus, help the campers where ever they need help and same goes for you Ares. Tell the other gods to help their children, or in Artemis’ case, hunters.

Zeus and Ares nodded and flashed out to tell the others, while Poseidon walked around the table and sat down to polish his trident while Athena placed a headset on her head and started talking with the rest of the gods.

I walked over to Annabeth and looked at the map. “So, where am I being stationed?”

“You’re going to be stationed with Poseidon.” She looked over at Poseidon. “Is that okay with you? Zeta here is crazy about water. Loves, loves, loves the stuff.”

 He grinned. “Excellent! I love water too! Maybe after this is all over, you and I can discuss it if we both come out of this alive and functional. Can you make water shapes? We could put on a show for the remaining campers.”

Athena wadded up a piece of paper and threw it at Poseidon, hitting him right between the eyes. “Kelp Face! We’re about to be invaded and all you can talk about is water! What the heck is wrong with you!?”

“So many, many things.” He replied smirking. He rotated his trident slightly and giggled as his face became distorted in the peaks of his trident.

“Ugh! You’re impossible!” Athena groaned and wadded up a couple more reports and threw them at Poseidon.

“So I’ve been told.” He grinned.

“Guys!” Annabeth interjected. “This isn’t helping matters. Athena, were you able to successfully contact all the gods?”

“Yes. Hermes is warming up his sandals and his staff. Dionysus is grabbing some wine grape seeds, you know, for sprinkling on the enemy and killing them. Demeter is practicing growing wheat and Persephone, flowers. Hera is readying her army of cows and peacocks and Zeus is gathering his thunderbolts. Hades is requesting that the sunlight be lowered so he can use his Helm of Darkness. And a bunch of other gods are equipping their weapons.”

“Good. Tell them to get ready quickly. We don’t know exactly when the enemy will strike.”

She nodded and spoke into the headset, relaying the message.

Annabeth snapped her fingers and the blueprint of the camp turned into a holographic version with moving dots of different colors. “This is a map of camp.” She explained. “The orange dots are campers, the blue dots are gods, and the red dots are enemies. This should me real time, so you’ll be able to direct troops where they’re needed.” She also pointed out landmarks like the Big House, Zeus’ Fist, Half Blood Hill, and the camp boundaries.

Athena nodded, taking in the map. She spun her finger in the air and rotated the map, looking at all the angles. She tapped a spot near the Amphitheatre and the map zoomed in to show what was going on there. Unfortunately, we chose just that time to zoom in and see Hermes talking to his staff like a mother does to her toddler.

“Yes we’re going to get you all shiny for the big battle. Yes I know, my assistant doesn’t give you enough rats. Yes, daddy’s sorry. Maybe I’ll put you in cattle prod mode, just maybe.”

“Hermes! Stop talking to George and Martha, get off your butt and do something productive!” Athena yelled over the microphone. Hermes looked around startled, but when he realized that it was Athena, he looked down embarrassment. He flashed out, muttering an apology.

I was rolling around on the floor, and so was my dad. Telepathically, I asked Annabeth, “When do you think he started talking to his cane like that!?”

“No idea.” She thought back.

Athena had a grin on her face, but it quickly was replaced with a look of shock and urgency. “Hermes and Zeus just contacted me. The enemy has been spotted and are 3 miles away and closing.”

Poseidon and I stood up, our laughter gone. “Great kelp fields! We had better get moving!” dad exclaimed.

I nodded in agreement. “Sounds like a plan.” I snapped my fingers and put a disguise on Riptide, so as to not give away my identity while fighting. After I made sure the disguise was on and couldn’t come off, I unsheathed it and held it in the ready position. “Ready when you are.”

Without speaking, Poseidon gripped my shoulder and flashed us to the beach. A couple miles out in the ocean, I spotted about 300 Cyclops riding telkhines. Each Cyclops held a sword and a black flag with crossed white wands with one star shooting out of each wand. Overhead, about 500 harpies were flying over the Cyclops’s. Two ships were behind the telkhines, carrying an assorted number of monsters like 2 hydras, a large number of goblins, hell hounds and empousai.

“Percy!” Annabeth said. “Speak to me. What’s going on there?”

I quickly relayed the situation. “Annabeth, how are the Cyclops riding telkhines? Aren’t they too heavy?”

“I think that Circe may have had a hand in it. Plus, remember… salt allows things to float easier.”

“Very true. Hey honey, got to go. Fight approaching.”

“Got it. Good luck.”

I brought my sword up in my fighting stance, while Poseidon readied his trident.

It was time to fight!

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