Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

A day later we were still on a very long trip to Earth. Annabeth and I both woke early; Annabeth I can understand, I call it the Athena curse, but me I don’t know how I did it. We walked to the living room part of the ship. The living room was pretty cool. It's in the back end of the ship with a huge window covering one wall. The window is one sided, like in Police Stations; we can see out, but people can't see in, not like there’s anyone in space who would be peeking into our ship. The flooring was a deep shade of mahogany, which really made the place cozier, making it perfect for snuggling. I sat on the couch and wrapped an arm around her. We started to talk about life on Earth after I left.

"How's Pinecone Face?" I asked.

"Thalia? Oh she's fine. And yes, Nico is fine as well."

I looked at her and tried to gauge her emotions by her eyes. She looked like she was hiding something, or in deep thought, honestly I couldn’t tell. I looked at her with concern. "You okay Annabeth? You look like you're having serious thoughts."

"I am. Percy, I have a couple questions."

I removed my arm, leaned back on the couch, propped my feet up on the table and folded my hands behind my head. "Okay. Shoot."

"What's your relationship with Sam like?"

"She's an annoying big sister. Like annoying on steroids. Like annoying to the-"

She stopped me. "She's annoying, I got it. Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Nope. Most guys wet themselves when she gets within a certain radius of them. It's actually pretty funny." I smiled at the memories. Then I turned suspicious. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I just wanted to know more about her since you seem to spend so much time with her." She said innocently.

I straightened on the couch. "Are you suggesting I cheated on you with her?" I said indignantly.

"I'm not saying that at all!" She replied defensively. "I'm just saying that you always ran off for extended periods of time while I was in the Hospital Wing!"

"Because we're training. She barely lets me finish lunch before she shoves be back into the arena. And I had other things to do with Silena, or Zoe. It was mainly training with someone."

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I'm sure."

I sighed with frustration and ran my fingers through my hair. I sat back and studied her carefully. Finally, I spoke. "Look Annabeth, Sam and I are strictly friends. If you see her as a threat, I can stop being friends with her."

She looked shocked. "Percy. Why would you suggest that?"

I sighed. "I really don't want to screw this relationship up. I know you have issues with all the girls I talk to with the exception of Thalia. You know how I feel."

Percy Jackson: Right Hand Man of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now