Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

The next morning I woke up happy, remembering my night with Annabeth.  I heard Sam yelling my name up the stairs.

“Hey! Punk! Get your fishy butt down here! You better be in the kitchen in 5! If you don’t, you won’t like it!”

I gulped. A mad Sam was not something you want to encounter in the morning. Give me a hydra any day. I looked over and found Annabeth gone, most likely downstairs with Sam. I showered and dressed quickly and ran downstairs and into the kitchen. Sam was holding a stopwatch. She clicked the button and looked at the time, nodding in approval.

“I should threaten you more often.” She said. “Makes you hustle.”

I glared at her. “Not cool.”

Sam rolled her eyes and looked behind me. “Annabeth. Please tell your boyfriend he should hustle more often.”

I turned around to see Annabeth coming into the kitchen, running a brush through her hair. “She’s right Seaweed Brain. You should pick it up in the morning.”

I threw my hands up in exasperation. “Both my girlfriend and my best friend are ganging up on me! Life is so unfair! And Annabeth, where were you? I woke up and you were gone? Thought you were downstairs.”

“I was with the rest of the girls, getting ready. But how sweet of you to notice my absent.” She came over and kissed me.

Sam turned away and gagged. “Yuck guys. Please do that in your own room.” She reached over and pulled out an envelope. “I have today’s agenda. Found it taped to the front door this morning.”

I took it and opened it. Annabeth stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my waist. Peeking over my shoulder, she asked, “Who’s it from.”

“Looks like Chiron. Or at least his handwriting.”

I unfolded the letter and read:

Dear children,

At 10:00 this morning in the Big House, we’re having a meeting about the upcoming threat and war. Please try and make it. Also remember what I told you. The Olympians still are wary of you. Be careful what you say.



I closed the letter and looked at both girls. “What untrusting gods.” I checked my watch. Yes, it was the same one that Tyson made for me all those years ago. I wondered how he was doing. It was 9:30 right now. “Sam. How about you go round up the girls and I’ll get the guys?”

She shrugged. “Fine by me.” She said, walking out of the kitchen.

I turned to Annabeth. “I’m going to go. See you in about 20 minutes.”

She raised her eyebrow. “20?”

“Yeah. The guys are very stubborn, especially Henry. I expect to be beaned with a pillow. I’ll see you soon.” I kissed her and left the kitchen.

I trudged up the stairs and opened the first door on the right. Walking inside, I found Allen up and polishing his knife. He looked up at me and gestured his head at Henry. Rolling his eyes he whispered, “Kid won’t get up. I’ve tried everything except smashing a club on his head, and I’ve already promised James the pleasure of that.”

I looked around for him. Not finding him I asked, “Where is James?”

He smiled, “Where else? Weapons room, looking for that club.” Just at that moment, James walked in, swinging a huge wooden club.

“Hello, I found it. Percy, what are you doing here?”

“Well I was here to wake all of you up, but I guess it’s just Henry.”

“Ah. I see.” James held up the club. “Well, here’s the solution.”

I held up my hand. “Wait.” Walking over to Henry, I leaned over and whispered, “Pancakes.”

Henry sat straight up, eyes wide. “Where!”

I straightened up and looked at James. “All good. Now Henry, get dressed. Meet us downstairs in 5 minutes.” The boy groaned and shoved a pillow over his head.

I snickered and walked out of the room, Sam was just exiting the girls’ room, her hair done up and I smear of makeup on her cheek.

I laughed at her and she glared at me. “Not a word.” She said and snapped her fingers, returning her appearance to what it was before.

We high-fived. Job well done. We survived getting everyone up and ready, now all we had to do was survive the meeting with the campers possibly gods.


We entered the Big House’s conference area/ game room thirty minutes later. The campers we’re seated around the ping pong table, talking quietly. They all stopped talking and looked up at us.

Chiron cleared his throat. “So good of you to join us.” He gestured to the 9 empty seats that lined the back wall. “Please take a seat.”

When we were all settled in, Chiron began to speak. “We still haven’t identified the threat, but we do know that they will most likely strike within a month or two. Does anyone have theories as to who’s behind this attack?”

One of Jerome’s lackeys piped up. “I bet it’s one of them. I think they were sent here to spy on us and report our weaknesses. We should’ve killed them when we had the chance.”

Sam snorted and mumbled a comment about the weakness, “Like, everything about this place?”

Chiron gave Sam a light glare. “Now, let’s all play nice. Continuing on, we should all plan to train more. This threat is serious and we-”

He was cut off by 12 flashes of light. When the light dimmed, Zeus stepped forward and spoke, “You are right. The threat is serious. I have gotten a report from Hermes that Hyperion has escaped his maple-tree prison. Also, monsters are becoming more restless than usual. I have observed these soldiers,” he gestured towards us, “And agree with Chiron that they should continue teaching you. Though they’re not the best allies, not providing us with simple information like their names and faces… I should blast you now for your uncooperative attitude.” He summoned his bolt and started to charge it up.

Chiron stepped forward. “Lord Zeus. This is not wise. If you blast them, Chaos would become your enemy, and we can only handle one threat at a time.”

Zeus sighed and lowered his bolt. “You speak sense centaur. Anyhow, you shall continue to train and fortify your defenses. Warriors, you shall continue to train the campers and help with defenses. If there’s nothing else, I believe this meeting has come to a close.”

Just then, a small Hermes child ran in. Realizing the gods were there, he hastily bowed. “Lords and ladies, Chiron sir, there’s terrible news!”

Chiron trotted up to the boy and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Speak child. What’s the matter?”

“Sir, its Jerome and Drew. They’re missing!”

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