Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I woke next morning to find myself in the same clothes I was in yesterday. I pulled on some newer smelling ones and jogged down the hall to the kitchen to grab two breakfast bars. I then flashed to the Hospital Wing. Annabeth was finishing gathering the papers scattered around her bed. She spotted me and waved.

“Want to help Percy?” she tucked another few sheets into her pile and tried to reach a couple that had fallen far under the bed.

I scooted under there and snatched the papers. I wriggled out, but bumped my head at the last moment. I came out, grumbling a few choice curse words. I handed them to her and rubbed my head. “Okay, is that the last one? We should go soon.”

“Yep. I think we’re good.” She picked up the papers and looped an arm through mine. I led her through the wing and towards the door. I waved to Chrissy on the way back and led her to my special elevator. We shot up to the top floor and strolled to his office. I knocked and heard a faint, “Come in.”

We walked in and found Sam and Zoe already sitting on a new couch. I found another couch on the other side of the room and sat down while Annabeth handed Chaos back the file and paperwork. She came and sat down beside me. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and looked at Chaos questioningly. “So what are we doing here?”

“Well…” he began. “Like I mentioned in the sticky note, I’m here to tell you about the mission and give you guy’s code names. After all, some of you aren’t exactly welcome on Olympus.”

Annabeth raised her hand. “Sir, I’m banished from Olympus. If I step foot in either the Roman or Greek camp or Olympus itself, alarms will sound and the gods will blast me to Hades.”

“Aha! But you see. Once I sign this paper…” he scribbled his name on a line, “you become a warrior of Chaos, and no longer a goddess of Olympus, though you still have your powers from when you were one. No alarm bells will ring promise.”

Annabeth sighed with relief.  “Thank goodness.”

Chaos crossed his arms and pouted. “It’s really me you should be thanking, but oh well. Now, time to settle your names. Well, your code names. Percy?”

“What’s there to choose from?”

“Delta, Pi, Alpha, Beta, Zeta, Chi, to name a few.” He listed on his fingers. “Also, I suppose you can use some Greek, Roman, or Latin names. So, Percy… what do you think?”

I pondered. I didn’t want to be Alpha because that made me seem a tad conceited, or Beta. “I think I like Zeta. Sounds fancy…”

Annabeth snickered beside me and put her head on my shoulder. “Sir, can I be Delta?”

“Daedalus?” I asked.

She nodded. “Of course. I don’t have my laptop from him. It was left in my cabin before I was kicked out.”

Chaos nodded to Annabeth and then turned to Sam and Zoe. Sam became Beta and Zoe became Venatrix which, according to Annabeth, means huntress in Latin.

He clapped his hands. “Okay, so now that that’s settled, I think…” he checked his full desk calendar. “That you’re leaving in two days. Your pilot is Mike. He’ll drop you off on Olympus and you’ll be staying at Camp Half Blood. Dismissed.” He picked up his phone and turned his chair around.

The four of us stood and exited the room. Sam waved and mentioned something about getting some weapons from Beckendorf before flashing out. Zoe hugged me and Annabeth in turn and the jogged off, bow in hand to shoot some targets.

I took Annabeth’s hand and teleported us to my room.

She looked around. “Where will I be staying?”

“Well, there’s only eight rooms and I got a memo from Chaos that the rooms are reserved for my team. So, I suppose that you can stay here.”

As soon as I said that, a small silver suitcase appeared on the bed in a flash of black. Annabeth opened it and pulled out some clothes like jeans, shirts, and a couple of sleep clothes.

“Well, I guess Chaos heard you. The bathroom is there.” I pointed to the door that led to my private bathroom. “You can change for bed in there.”

She nodded and picked up a large shirt and pair of shorts. She kissed me and headed into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

I also changed and started to attempt to fold her clothes neatly and put them into an empty drawer. She came out and handed me her jeans and top. I sighed and folded them too.

I got into bed and Annabeth slid in beside me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and breathed in, smelling her strawberry perfume. I wonder where she got that. She snuggled up against me and I fell into a deep sleep.

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