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  It's been a few weeks since the attack. I was healing, oddly slowly from whatever the knife was made of, but still healing. Peter was trying to help me out, Harry's death hurt me mentally, and Peter could tell with how sad I seemed.

  "Alice can I come in?" Speaking of Peter.

  "Yeah." I said, setting my laptop aside as he walked in with a bag of Chinese, and my school stuff.

  "How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat down next to me, looking into my eyes with worry as I looked into his, trying to mask my feelings still.

  "I'm alright." I said as he looked to the bag in his hand.

  "You hungry?" He asked, forcing a smile as I did too.

  "Yeah Peter, thank you, for everything you've done for me." I said as he stood up, pulling me out from under the blankets as I groaned.

  "Anything for you Allie, now let's eat before the food gets cold." He said, sitting at my small table I had placed in my quarters.

  "I like this place, it's a lot feels a lot safer." I corrected myself as he smiled, and pulled the food out, setting the bowls in front of us.

  "Yeah it does....Alice there's something I have to tell you." He said as I grabbed my chopsticks, stabbing at my chicken as I shoved the first thing I had eaten all day into my mouth.

  "Something's wrong, I know that look Peter, what is it?" I asked as he chuckled a little.

  "First of all it's adorable when you do that, second I won't be here for a while." He said as I looked to him.

  "Why?" The simplest word, yet the most complicated question to answer.

  "Tony wants to talk to you about it when they get back, there's an argument between the team. Apparently it's government stuff, and I'm not really sure, but something about a treaty." He trailed off as I pulled up the news on my tv, showing pictures of the conference they were supposed to be at, signing a treaty as I saw a picture of Bucky on the screen saying that he killed the king of Wakanda.

  "Bucky wouldn't do that, I've met him Pete!" I said, sliding into my suit for the first time since getting back as I turned on my earpiece Tony gave me.

  "Friday, I need a jet ready in ten." I said as I ran down the stairs, grabbing my webshooters, and other gear I had made in my spare time, and running back up to the roof.

  "Jet ready to fly Miss Barton." She said as I jumped in, leaving Peter behind as I flew to where I knew Steve would be, Bucky's. I knew where he was from helping Steve and Nat track him. They loved when I helped with stuff like that, well, I think they just love me in general.

  "Friday find a safe spot to land." I said as I landed in a small clearing about six miles outside of the city.

  "I'll be back, for now just turn on all security measures and contact me if necessary." I said, turning the jet off as I walked to the back, putting on a t-shirt, and a jacket before slipping on my sneakers, and hiding my mask in my pocket. After I did all that I grabbed my gear bag, and walked towards the apartment building where I saw Bucky walking in.

  "Mr.Barnes, I need to speak with you." I said as he looked at me, showing nothing in his features, but his eyes showed slight worry.

  "Bucky, please."

  "How do you know who I am?" He asked as I saw him tense a little.

  "It's complicated, but I guess you could say Steve is kinda like my uncle." I said as he nodded, walking inside with me as he opened the door, and I saw Steve standing in there.

  "I'm gonna wait outside." I said, patting Bucky's shoulder as he closed the door, and I sat outside, pulling my phone out as I saw Peter tried to call me six times.

  "Peter I'm fine, I'm safe, and don't call me again. I'm sorry, but I can't live knowing that someone is being blamed for something they didn't do." I said as I talked into the phone, waiting for only a moment for him to say something, anything.

  "Do what you think is right, you usually are." Was the last thing he said as I heard heavy thundering steps on the stairs as I pulled my mask on, and opened the door.

  "We have incoming!" I said as I was harshly grabbed, and couldn't wiggle loose.

  "Let her go!" Steve yelled as I struggled, being pinned down by multiple SHIELD agents.

  "Steve get Bucky out of here, I can distract them, but only for a few minutes." I said, breaking and arm loose, and using the little webbing I had to pull them tightly into a webbed up bundle before my wrist was crushed to the floor, and my webbing spilled across the floor.

  "That stuff is seriously expensive!" I said as my mask was yanked off, and I was face to face with a recognizable Hydra agent, but nobody else probably knew.

  "Hail Hydra." He whispered in my ear as I squirmed, and felt a needle prick me as the room spun, and I fell off the rail, hitting the bottom floor as everything went black.

  "She fell off the rail, we don't truly know what happened to her, but I'm here to see Barnes for a psychological evaluation." The man said, his accent hardly recognizable as he masked it with an American one.

  "Alice....kid, you with me?!" Tony asked as he shook me, and my eyes shot open, and I shot up, well as much as I could.

  "No, I'm not doing whatever you want me to! Please leave them alone!" I screamed as I saw Hydra agents in lab coats all around me, coming at me with needles from all angles.

  "Alice!" Steve's voice pierced through, snapping me out of the vision I saw.

  "Get these off me!" I yelled as the lights flickered, and I saw my reflection. There were what looked like lightning bolts in my eyes, rings around making it almost look like I was Thor's family and not Clint's.

  "Get them off!" I yelled again as this time electricity shot through the room, and all the glass shattered, and everyone covered their ears. I got a serious headache right after, followed by a serious anxiety attack as a doctor walked in, followed by three more, and I was dragged to a cell like Bucky's.

  "Don't do this to me.....please." I begged as I saw Steve look at me with almost fear in his eyes, along with everyone else who beared either disappointment, or fear.

  "I'll do whatever you want, just please let me out." I cried as the tears fell, hitting the floor as electricity went through the small glass cell. Even though I was inside I could still hear their conversation.

  "She's not stable."

  "She was held captive, then beaten, and hurt, and then she lost her best friend after almost dying for a second time Tony!" Steve yelled in defense as a man in a suit came into the area of my cell, opening the door.

  "You have to agree to the Sokovian accords, and you have to do whatever we say no matter what, but above stay here, you can't leave unless ordered to." The man said as I nodded, and he tossed me a bag of clothes, as I changed he talked to the team.

  "Listen, I know what I agreed to, but I'm only fifteen, so I'm out." I said, using all the strength I had left to run, far and fast.

  "Get her." The man said annoyed as I continued running, using my powers to my advantage by turning off the power, and hiding as they continued running, or just electrocuting them.

  "Calm down, it's just me." Steve said as I was grabbed from behind.

  "Get as far as you can, don't go home, find a friend and bunk there. Take the coms, Stark made them untrackable." He said as I mouthed a quick thank you as he boosted me up into the vents.

  "Sir she got away." One of the guards said as he banged his fist down.

  "She can't have gone far, find her, and bring her to me."

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