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When I woke up I immediately jumped up, looking around and seeing everyone looking at me with their guards up.

"Gwen you're safe...for now," Peter said as I sighed, running to him as he hugged me tighter than ever.

"Why is everyone staring at me like that," I asked as I moved back to look at him, seeing him frozen in place.

"Peter? Peter wake up," I said loudly, repeating the words over and over as I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, my eyes opening to see Doc Ock in front of me, myself strapped into some contraption as I tasted the blood in my mouth.

"Where are they," I asked raspily as Kraven smirked.

"They never came for you," he said as I shook my head.

"They'd never abandon me," I spat as Goblin got in my face, observing me.

"Well they did, they don't care they just used you to teach them," he laughed darkly as I spat in his eye.

"Why you-"

"Goblin don't, she'll be done here soon enough," Ock said as I looked up at him, feeling needles dig into my arms and legs as I opened my eyes wider, trying to fight the urge to pass out.

"She won't be a problem after this, one Spider down, many more to go," Electro smirked as my breathing became more shallow and my senses started fading as a nearby window broke, letting sun in as I saw the Peters and my team jump down.

"Loki and Frigga get your mother out of there, we can handle them," my Peter said as he looked at me worriedly and I watched as my children came running toward me in a hurried sprint, tears dampening their faces as they tugged at the machine, trying to get me out as I fell forward onto them.

"Peter, she's cold as ice and she's lost a lot of blood," Loki said as I looked around, my vision blurring.

"Get her to safety."

"No, they're dangerous, get me outside and come back they're going to need you both," I said shallowly as they looked at each other before nodding. They carried me outside and gently set me on the ground before going back in. As I waited I felt like something was twisting and turning inside of me, a burning feeling spreading through me as I looked down at my suit, a red and black symbiote covering and when it covered my eyes I still had control, that was until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and everything went completely dark.

"She's nit stable, it's almost as if that thing is killing her slowly from the inside," I heard Doctor Strange's familiar voice say as I opened my eyes.

"Gwen, you're awake," Peter said happily as he held Anna in one arm and my hand with his other hand, a sad look on his face.

"Any idea what exactly it is," I asked as he sighed.

"It calls itself Carnage, it's made of a mix of Venom's symbiote and your altered blood, it was made to kill you," Strange said once everyone else was out of the room and I was putting a t-shirt on over my bandages.

"How long do I have?"

"Could be a day could be a year, right now it's trying to take away your protection from your abilities," he said as I sighed, nodding.

"I don't want to tell them... I can't tell them, not now when we have all this multiversal stuff to worry about," I said as he nodded in agreement.

"You still have to use the stone's powers to close the gate."

"I know, we need to find the source and close it before it's too late," I said as I walked out, beelining to my room as Peter looked up at me from the bed.

"Hey are you okay, you still don't look good?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried about all this," I said as he got up, walking closer.

"Well we're figuring it out together so it's not that bad right," he asked as I nodded and he pulled me into a hug, my face burrying into his shoulder as I gripped his shirt.

"I know how to close it, and I know what I have to do but I have to figure out who everyone is and get them into the same spot all at once because we have one shot at this," I said as he looked at me nervously.

"What will it do to you?"

"Don't worry about me, this is making the world our daughter grows up in safer," I said, as I cupped his cheek in my hand and he held it.

"It won't be better without you," he said as I smiled.

"No, but she'll have you, and May, and everyone else," I said as he shook his head.

"Let's get some sleep, it's late," he said as I nodded and he lifted me off the floor, pulling me into him and throwing me on the bed as I giggled.

"I forget how light you are," he smiled as he bent over me, kissing me passionately as my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Promise me we'll find a way to do this without you dying," he said as I looked into his doughy eyes.

"What if there is no other way?"

"Then we leave everything as it is and run away. Grab our things and Anna and leave," he smiled as I smiled up at him.

"We're not kids anymore, we don't have the choice of running," I said as he nodded, kissing my neck.

"Well then we make the most of what we have here, right now."

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