Oh Brother

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  "Um excuse me but what exactly are you doing," Korg asked as I sat tinkering with my webshooters, sewing up the last details of my suit before looking up at him.

  "My world needs me, and I need to find a way back, but to do that I need to get out of here so I guess I'm going to have  to face the champion," I sighed as I stood up.

  "Can you guys I don't know...go over there...so I can change," I asked as I quickly slid into the tight costume before pulling my mask up.

  "What do you guys think," I asked as they turned back to face me.

  "What exactly is it?"

  "This suit not only can withstand my powers because of the leather, but it also channels the electric currents to my webshooters to control my powers better," I said as I shot a web at the wall, electricity radiating off it in green sparks as Korg touched it.

  "You made this," he asked as  I nodded.

  "It's brilliant," he beamed as I smiled.

  "Thanks, now who wants to spar?"

  "I will gladly spar," the familiar deep voice boomed as I turned to see Thor towering above me with a stupid grin on his face.

  "I see Loki greatly failed in taking care of you."

  "Yeah well what else is new, and besides, I can take care of myself," I shrugged as he chuckled.

  "Well I figured maybe the two of us could figure a way ou-"

  "Shocky you're up," the same female guard said as I exchanged a worried glance at Thor before following her into a room where they allowed me to choose one weapon, obviously being me I chose rope, because all else failed with my webshooters I could use it to my advantage.

  "Let's see how well the so called Goddess of Bravery stands up with my second place champion, Hellbound shall we," the Grandmaster's voice rang as I walked into the arena, crowds of people filling it as people screamed in what seemed to be enjoyment.

  "Look, I don't want to hurt you," I said to the man creature who stood before me, his skin a fiery red, and horns on his head like a demon.

  "I doubt you will girlie, but I guess we'll have to wait until they see your blood covering the sand while I take your head as a trophy," he laughed as I waited for them to say start, and when they did I stayed still, him running at me full speed as I dodged his blow, him falling forward from the lunge as I webbed his ankles.

  "You done yet ego demon," I smirked as he got back up, coming at me again as I jumped over him with a flip.

  "Little girl wants to play huh? Let's play then," he hissed as he grew to be the size of Scott when we fought against Tony.

  "Come on big guy I'm just an arachnid," I smirked as his hand came down, making the ground shake as I ran up his arm, webbing around his neck twice with an easy swing before landing back on the ground, pulling him back as he fell to is knees, gasping for air.

  "Yield or die," I growled as he pulled again, and the webs got tighter.

  "Never," he bellowed back as I nodded to myself before tightening as much as I could, him shrinking back to normal size as the entire arena heard his neck snap, and I dropped the web, shocked at what I had just done...who I was becoming. I looked up to the booth where the Grandmaster sat to see Loki's scared eyes as the crowd began roaring with excitement at my victory, wiping the blood from my face as I looked around.

  "Give it up for Bug Girl," The Grandmaster's voice boomed as I looked around still shocked at what I had just done.

  "Get her her own room, and a shower she needs one, oh and give her food she hasn't eaten in days," the Grandmaster said, ordering people around as his arm was draped over my shoulder, his lapdog Loki trailing behind as the memories of the battle ran through my head. I was becoming like my father, killing innocents, hurting people I cared about, this wasn't me, this was someone else completely, and I didn't know who but I sure as hell didn't like it.

  "You'll be in here until your next battle, but there's food, someone said you liked books, and everything should be to your liking," he said as I nodded, and he was about to say something before he decided just to leave it where it was.

  "Loki keep the girl company," he said lastly, patting his shoulder before walking out.

  "Great, locked in a room with you...again," I huffed as he sighed.

  "What was that out there, you killed someone Gwen, heroes don't-"

  "Yeah well maybe I wasn't meant to be a hero..."

  "No, maybe I was meant to be a cold blooded killer like my father, who I would have been if not for Clint taking me in, an assassin who murdered people without a care, maybe that's who I am," I said lowly as I stepped towards him.

  "I thought you wanted to save people."

  "Well maybe I was wrong, I am just some freak of nature right," I huffed as he shook his head.

  "You're more than that, please Gwen I know you're in there," he begged as I reached my breaking point.

  "No you don't because you don't know me Loki, I'm not you," I screamed as he looked at me stunned at my outburst.

  "You act like you care and then you rat me out, leave me down in a room full of rotting corpses and people who were more than ready to kill me, no food for three days at a time for two weeks and you expect me to trust you anymore, not gonna happen," I said turning away from him.

  "Well at least it wasn't my own fault my friends are dead," he spat as I stopped in my tracks.

  "What friends Loki, you had none, and at least it wasn't my fault that over eighty people died in a span of two days, and at least I have a family who loves me!"

  "And where are they now, gone because of you...and you wonder why you're so alone," he scoffed as he walked out, tears streaming down my face as I stood there, alone and hurting with nobody but the voice in my head telling me how worthless I was.

  "The problem is how right you are about everything," I said quietly, knowing I was talking to myself as I hugged myself close.

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