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  A time has passed since that day, Peter and I were talking, but not as much as usual. Between saving people, and trying to balance school I was always busy. Spiderman was always there whenever there was something, and I couldn't just tell him. "Oh hey I know who you are, Peter." That would just be creepy, plus he would know who I am.

  "Hey Alice, Ned and I are working on the group project later, you in?"

  "I'll check and see if I'm free." I said, not meeting his eyes as I looked to the floor.

  "Talk to me please, I need to understand why you've been acting so strange." Peter said, looking down, trying to meet my eyes.

  "That's the problem, I-I can't tell you." I said, now meeting his eyes as I saw the hurt his held.

  "I've known you for three months Peter. I really like you, not just as a friend, but I can't tell you everything." I said, tears pricking my eyes.

  "Then tell me what you can, please. I want to help you." He said, his eyes showing just a glint of hope that I would talk to him.


  "Please Alice." He said, gently taking my hands as tears fell down my face. Once he realized I was crying he pulled me close, hugging me tightly as his shirt became damp with tears.

  "I just wish I could tell you everything, but then you would get hurt, and-and I could never live with myself." I managed to choke out between small sobs.

  "Well I'm not going anywhere if you need me, I'm here Alice I just wish you could see that. I won't get hurt, but I'll do whatever it takes to protect you." He said as I closed my eyes, allowing him to just hold me.

  "Now, tell me what's bothering you to the point where you, the toughest girl I know is crying."

  "It's better if I show you." I said, pulling him down so our lips met in a sweet, yet passionate kiss. I pulled away after about thirty seconds as he stood there with his brown eyes looking directly into my green ones.

  "Peter?" I asked as he put his lips back on mine.

  "I really like you Alice, I just could never tell you until that night I-"

  "Peter, it's alright I listen to you even when you don't think I do." I said smiling as his eyes seemed like they were looking through my soul to find an answer.

  "Then why do you hide things from me? I want to know more about you, why won't you let me in?"

  "Every time I let someone in they get hurt, and I don't want you to be one of them." I said, wiggling out of his arms, and walking towards the bathroom. Once I got in there I gripped the sink  and let the tears fall.

  "There's a fire on Central Ave., we started clearing out the building but we need backup. It just keeps growing, and there's two kids trapped in there. One is a thirteen year old female, and the other is a four year old male. We need medics, and fire department here stat."

  "I'm on my way." I said, changing into my suit, and leaving my bag webbed to the ceiling as I crawled out the small window. It took about two minutes to get where I needed to be, swinging made everything ten times faster.

  "Are they still in there?"

  "Yes, we can't get to them, we don't know if they're the only ones or not." He said as I looked to the building, webbing the building next to it as I dove through a window.

  "If there's anyone in here that can here me, follow my voice, or say something, and I'll follow yours!" I yelled as I heard a small child's cough.

  "Help, please, my sister passed out!" I heard a small boy's voice yell as I followed it, coughing from smoke.

  "Hold on, I'm on my way." I said as I walked through the debris of falling wood, and toys amongst other objects.

  "Say something again so I can find you!"

  "Over here, Spidergirl we're over here!" He yelled as I saw them through a wall of flames.

  "What's your name?"


  "Alright Tyler, you're very brave, take my hand and hold on tight." I said, making sure to get him to the ground before going back for the girl.

  "Hey, hey you gotta wake up for me." I said as her eyes slowly opened.

  "What's your name?"

  "Gwen." She said as she coughed, choking on the smoke around her.

  "Alright Gwen, let's get you out of here." I said, having her climb on my back as I safely got her outside.

  "Mama!" Another set of kids, looking to be about five and three in age yelled as I looked into the building, almost completely engulfed.

  "I'm going back in."

  "It's too dangerous, you already inhaled a lot of smoke."

  "I'm sorry chief, but it's what hero's do, they put other people's lives first." I said, running through the front entrance of the building as I began choking on the smoke again.

  "Ma'am I need you to say something, or follow my voice so I can find you!"

  "I can't move, I'm stuck!" She yelled as I followed her voice.

  "I hear you, I'm on my way!" I yelled as I listened through the crackling wood for her coughing until I found her.

  "Help me!" She said as I saw her leg stuck under a burning piece of wood.

  "I've got you, just move your leg when I count to three! One.....two....three!" I grunted, lifting the wood from her leg as I could hear the building around us groan from losing so much balance.

  "I've got you." I said wrapping her arm around my shoulder as I carried her to the front. I could hear wood breaking as my eyes widened, tossing her outside, and making a web to catch her as the wood collapsed onto me.

  "She's still in there!"

  "Where's Spidergirl?!" Those were the last things I heard as I coughed and everything around me spun before going black.

Spidergirl Here We Go AgainWhere stories live. Discover now