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  "Gwen, Gwen wake up," Peter screamed as my breathing felt shallow, and I struggled to move.

  "Peter what happened," Happy's voice boomed as I felt a sharp sensation in my head as memories I didn't know existed came to my head.


  "That should have worked, we gave her the serum, and we ran tests, she should be stronger, and taller even," a man in a lab coat said as a sharp pain emitted through my chest, and the heart monitor spiked before dead lining.

  The next thing I knew I was in my bed, everything sore as my small body was covered in wounds. I was only twelve, that's when I realized these were the memories I was missing. I had powers before I was bitten, I just didn't know about them, and now I just had to figure out how to use them.


  "Gwen, Mister Stark she doesn't have a pulse!"

  "What did you do to her kid," Tony yelled as I felt a drop of water fall onto my shoulder as I felt a strength building in me as I moved my hand, focusing all my strength to it as my eyes shot open and I felt myself off the bed as the room was dark except for me. All the power I felt in my life didn't compare to this, I was floating, and harnessing, more like creating energy.

  "Mister Stark what's happening?"

  "Vision can you scan her," Tony asked as I closed my eyes again, and focused on my strength, curling into a ball. When I opened myself back up I screamed, sending the energy in a blast away from me as I landed back on the bed with a hard thud before sitting up.

  "She has no heartbeat Mister Stark, and her breathing patterns are off, almost as if, she rose from the dead," Vision said as my attention drew to the mirror as I saw my eyes glowing like lightning.

  "Is everyone okay?"

  "Are you Miss Barton," Vision asked as I shook off the small sparks from my fingers.

  "Better than ever," I smiled as Peter looked at me.

  "What happened," he asked worriedly as I went to step towards him, and he stepped back.

  "I remembered things I didn't before, but please Peter don't be scared of me," I said as everyone took a step back. I was confused, why are they so scared of me? I looked down at myself and saw that the blast I had let out left me in small shreds of clothes, and somehow it hadn't harmed them at all.

  "I won't hurt any of you, I promise, just please don't leave," I begged as I stepped forward again, my legs still like j-ello as this time I fell to the floor, my entire body shaking as whatever Hydra had put in my head sent an unbearable pain that made tears fall from my eyes. When I finally looked up at them Tony had his hand raised like he was ready to blast me, and Natasha who would never hurt me had a gun raised.

  "I'm still me I swear, but I need you guys now more than ever," I sobbed as Peter pushed in front of everyone, and dropped down next to me, putting his hand on my face as he helped me up.

  "It's still her," Peter said as he wiped the tears from my glowing eyes as I finally found control, and held onto him tightly.

  "Please don't let me go Peter I'm begging you."

  "I'm not going anywhere," he cooed as he stroked my hair until I fell asleep in his arms.

  I woke up a few hours later to Peter gently setting me on the bed as he walked over to a briefcase, most likely from Tony, and when he opened it my jaw dropped. He had given Peter a whole new suit!

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