French Braids

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  "Loki hold still," I grumbled at I straightened his head for the umpteenth time while attempting to  braid his long hair after hearing him complain for three weeks with no end.

  "I'm trying you're pulling my hair," he said as I finally finished tying it up.

  "There, that should keep it out of your face, it's the least I can do since you cut my hair."

  "You do this to yourself all the time, it's dreadful," he said as I smiled down at him before kissing his cheek and going back to my small work station on the small desk in the corner.

  "You should stop working," he said in my ear as his head rested on my shoulder.

  "Loki I-"

  "Come on, we could have some fun."

  "But I need to finish these, your brother could be dead for all you know, and the people you so greatly wanted to lead are most likely dying," I said, standing up as he backed up, a small bit of anger laced in his features.

  "Do you not want this, us Gwen it's like you're not even here half the time, like all you care about is being a fucking hero, and you live for the praise!"

  "Says the man who took over New York. You have no idea every single thing I've been through, and if anything I'm saving you from the trauma I went through," I said as I stormed out, leaving a stunned Loki in my wake as I had the webshooters on my wrists, the tools in my hands as I walked towards the dance room. It seemed like nobody else used it which was nice, and it became my safe space. I sat down on the floor, tightening what I thought would be my last screw until it bursted open when I tried to shoot webbing as I groaned.

  "Anything I can help with," a drunken voice called as i turned to see the girl I had seen so many times throughout the last few weeks.

  "Um, can you fix things?"

  "Depends, what do you need to fix?"

  "These," I sighed, showing her the broken webshooters as she sat next to me.

  "Let me see," she said as she pulled the webbing out, pressing a few of the buttons and fixing some loose screws as she handed them back.

  "Try that," she said as I took them back, them cuffing around my wrists as I shot at the wall, the new webbing formula stronger than the last as we smiled.

  "Thanks," I said as she nodded.

  "The names Brunnhilde."

  "Gwen Stacy," I said as she looked at me skeptically.

  "Wouldn't you be Gwen Lokiswife," she questioned as I mentally cursed myself.

  "I um...Loki's not actually my husband," I said lowly as she nodded, handing me the bottle she had.

  "Looks like you need it," she said as I took a swig.

  "Wow that's...that's strong," I said as she laughed.

  "Asgardian liquor, packs a damn punch, but seeing as though you're basically a sex slave to the highest men on this planet you seem to need it."

  "Once I finish getting this together and figure a way out of this hell hole I'm gone," I scoffed as I used a small bit of electricity to test the webshooters, changing it to electric webs.

  "You have abilities," she smirked as a quick, sharp pain spiked in my neck as a large shock went through me, everything fading away.

  "Where...where am I," I asked as I rubbed my head, sitting in a metal room with dead bodies scattered.

  "You're...well I don't know what to call it exactly, but it's where all us fighters stay until we fight the Grandmaster's champion," a guy made of rocks said as I got up, banging on the wall as the thing on my neck shocked again.

  "Damnit, how do we get out of here?"

  "Most of the time you don't, unless you're dead and even then, I'm Korg, and this is Meek," he said as I shook his hand.

  "Gwen, and please Korg, tell me there's some way to get out."

  "If you defeat the champion then you get out but he's never beaten," he said as I looked up to the doors opening from far away as two guards walked in.

  "Why am I here?"

  "You have abilities, and you do fight, quite well apparently," she smirked as I charged forward, getting zapped as I fell onto one knee.

  "Who told you," I growled already fearing the answer.

  "Your- I mean Prince Loki, and you're no princess. It was only a matter of time before we found out," she scoffed as I tried to charge again, this time her catching my throat and lifting me off the floor as I clawed at her hand.

  "The joy it brings me to see you so fragile and already withering away in my grasp," she spoke darkly as I pulled my legs in, kangaroo kicking her back as I landed perfectly, grasping my throat as I choked on the new found air.

  "You'll regret that girl," she spat before walking out. I should have known Loki would catch onto the fact that most of everything I said was not only pity, but an act that I was putting on to try and at least keep my head, but the problem was I did exactly what Nat taught me not to, trust the enemy. While I will admit I did things I can never undo I also know that back home there is someone who does love me, all of me and my family. I don't want to see Loki get hurt but that's only because seeing Loki hurt will hurt Thor and Thor doesn't deserve that.

  "That was rather bold of you," Korg mentioned as I looked up at him, green sparkles resting in my lap as my suit appeared, my webshooters with it.

  "I didn't mean for this to happen, they threatened your life," Loki sighed as I tried to walk away.

  "I don't believe a word you say," I spat as he came mere inches from my face.

  "Even if you didn't mean a single thing you said I did, and I shouldn't have let myself fall for you, knowing you've already met the person you see your forever with," he said as I went to slap him, my hand phasing through.

  "If you meant any of what you said you'd be truly standing here! I should have listened to them, you're a terrible person Loki! You betrayed me when I actually trusted you, and you don't get to say a word about Peter because you already knew I would choose him, and while yes I've done things I can never take back I will never regret getting to know you because you gave me things so many others neglected me from," I huffed as he looked at me with sorry eyes.

  "I gave you the gift of seeing your mother again, I gave you my trust after not trusting in so long just to find out it's all fake! How do you think I feel," he screamed at me as I turned away from him.

  "Just go," I said, tears in my eyes.

  "W-what Gwen no I'm sorr-"

  "God damnit Loki just leave!"

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