Facing the Past

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  "Loki I can't do this, what do I say," I asked him nervously as he stood in front of me three days later since I could finally walk again, and most of the time together was spent getting to truly know each other. Right now he was trying to give me closure about my mom after I told him I never got to say goodbye, or apologize for the things I said to her.

  "You'll know what to say, you always do," he smiled as I looked into his emerald eyes, taking a deep breath as he waited for me to show him I was ready.

  "Ready," he asked as I nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes as the room changed into the park we spent our days in, all an illusion obviously, but still something so nostalgic about just being there. I looked around me with a sad smile before turning back to where Loki was stood as the green faded and there stood my mother next to him as he walked behind me. Her blonde hair blowing in the slight breeze as I looked into her blue eyes, my eyes automatically filling with tears as I hugged her, and somehow it was solid for an illusion.

  "It's alright little one," she spoke so softly as the tears rolled down my face.

  "I'm so sorry, if- if I hadn't called maybe you wouldn't have been distracted, and...and maybe we could still be together and-"

  "Gwen, my sweet child, it wasn't your fault, it never was, but I am so proud of you for growing up to become the woman you are," the illusion smiled as it wiped my tears away.

  "I didn't even get to say goodbye, and Uncle Clint...he lost you too mom we all missed you so much," I sobbed as she held me close on the ground.

  "I know, and it shouldn't have ended like it did, but I hope this gives you a bit of closure because I still watch over you no matter what, and Spidergirl, Spider-Woman I don't care what you call yourself you save so many people."

  "You raised a tough cookie, and you say I save people like you weren't a SHIELD agent before too Artemis," I smiled as she smiled again.

  "I didn't save people at your age, you gave up so much to do something close to your heart, and Gwen I swear I'm so proud of you, and I wish I was really there everyday to tell you just how proud you've made me," she said, pushing my hair behind my ears as everything slowly started fading.

  "No wait, this can't be our last goodbye, I love you...I- mom please," I begged as she kissed my forehead.

  "Think of this as see you soon kiddo, I love you so much," she said as she disappeared from my arms, leaving me a sobbing mess that held myself close.

  "Gwen," Loki said questioningly as I turned around quickly, clinging to him with everything in me.

  "Don't leave me...please," I begged as he held the back of my head as I sobbed into his shoulder. 

  "I won't darling...I'm right here," he said as I kept a tight grip on his leather outfit. We stayed like that for awhile before I found myself absentmindedly sewing fabric together by hand to make a new suit, and this one was going to be my final design, no more changes, no more different designs, there would be updates sure, but this one would be able to channel my electric currents better than my other suits as well, Loki helping design it of course. 

  "Gwen, it's three in the morning come to bed."

  "I'll be there in a second, just let me finish this sleeve," I said with a pin in my mouth as I stabbed myself with the needle by accident, and Loki shook his head.

  "Alright madam stubborn," he said, wrapping his arms around me as I giggled at the tickling sensation from kisses on my neck as he threw me onto the bed, tickling me as I laughed.

  "I made you something too," I smiled, clipping the golden cuffs to his wrists.

  "I made you something too," I smiled, clipping the golden cuffs to his wrists

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  "How did you-"

  "After hours of persuasion I got the Grandmaster to allow me into the welding office, I remember seeing you wear something similar when we faced Hela so I figured it would be something meaningful."

  "It is, they were my mother's," he said sadly as I gently held his face, turning his eyes to look into mine.

  "I'm here, just like you've been for me, I promise, come here," I said as I laid down on my pillow, his head resting on my chest as I played with his hair.

  "Your heartbeat is calming," he sighed as I let out a small giggle.

  "It gives a sense of safety," he smiled as he drifted off. I gently kissed his head before grabbing my phone.

  "Safety is something I don't feel often, but you deserve it," I smiled, deleting pictures of Peter and I along with pictures of my past. Maybe I could get used to this life. If not for myself then for the man who's done more for me in days than anyone has in years for me. Maybe I could finally face my past and move on to become who I'm meant to be for the rest of my life.

  "I love you Loki." 

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