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  Today was the day, the day I faced the champion, and I was scared in complete honesty, but was I expecting Loki to burst into my room out of breath telling me we had to go...absolutely not!

  "Gwen run, we have to get out before it's too late," he said as I looked at him in confusion.

  "Too late Loki what are you talking about," I asked as he grabbed my hand and next thing I knew we were in a large room with multiple ships of all sizes.

  "Loki what's happening," I asked as I yanked my wrist from his grip and he turned to me with worried eyes.

  "Thor escaped with Banner, we need to get to Asgard," he said as I paused.


  "Yes, but you were right, Asgard does need me, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to save  it," he huffed as he pulled me along to a ship so big it could probably hold the entirety of half of New York's population.

  "I'm glad you listened to me, but how do we get to Asgard?"

  "The Devil's Anus," he said as I tied to hold my laughter, but it was short lived by guards coming after us, me creating an entire wall of electricity as the ship began taking off, but the thing still attached to my neck was shooting more electricity than I could handle through me.

  "Loki get it off," I screamed as he sighed heavily.

  "Do you trust me?"

  "In this case what choice do I have," I asked as I felt a different sharp pain on my neck so see Loki's fingers covered with my blood, some skin on the electric piece but at least it was off.

  "Painful but efficient, what's the plan?"

  "Can you pilot," he asked as I smirked, making my way to the pilot's seat as I began dodging armed ships.

  "My god I feel like Han Solo on the Millennium Falcon," I smiled as I went straight into the red cloud, getting sucked up as we entered a different atmosphere, this one coated in smoke as Loki made his way towards the loading dock.

  "Your savior is here," he smiled as I laughed, rolling my eyes as I took the chip I had for Laura as I slipped my mask over my face, and made my way out.

  "Gwen what are you doing," he asked as I looked out over the beautiful landscape before taking in the ensuing chaos.

  "You didn't think I was just going to sit and watch did you," I smirked as he smirked back, and we walked towards Thor.

  "Look, I know I tried to kill you last time we saw each other, but I'm here to help you save your people like you've done for Midgard. I'm sorry, and where's your eye," I questioned as he chuckled, hugging me.

  "I know you weren't in your right mind, I forgive your wrong doings, now let's finish this," he said as I nodded, but something still felt off.

  "I'll search for civilians, boys you work on keeping the army of the dead away," I said as I saw Bruce look at me in confusion.

  "Alice what are you doing here?"

  "It's Gwen, and I'm here to do the right thing," I said as I sprinted through the army, electrocuting any in my way as I searched for civilians, leading them to the ship, and on my last trip, well it didn't go as planned.

  "Thor I cleared all of-" I stared with a gasp as something pierced through me, seeing the tips of multiple separate daggers in my torso, and dropped to the ground shaking as Hela stepped over me.

  "Pathetic of you to have a child protect people that are not her own," she smirked, looking down at me as Loki tried to run towards me, but Thor held him back tightly as I looked up at her smirking face.

  "My name is Gwendolyn Allison Stacy, I am Spidergirl, and I will do whatever it takes to protect people no matter who they are, or where they came from! These are my friends, and you will not succeed in your mission, I will not give up until the battle is won no matter how many daggers you plunge into me! I will not allow you to hurt people anymore," I yelled, blood dripping from my mouth as I gathered all my strength and shot the biggest amount of electricity I could, shooting her somewhere into the city as I felt dizzy, beginning to fall as Loki caught me.

  "Well if this isn't some form of deja vu then I don't know what is," I smiled, pushing his hair behind his ear as he did the same.

  "Gwen please...stay with me darling," he said as I let out a small laugh.

  "Let me heal-"

  "No, be the hero you were meant to be and save your people," I huffed out in a shaky breath as I saw tears come down his face.

  "I can't lose you too," he admitted as I smiled with a hum before looking into his eyes.

  "I'll be here when you return, go be the hero everyone needs," I said as he looked into my eyes one more time before kissing me, and carrying me to Thor.

  "The Crown of Surtur, it's the only way, put it in the eternal flame and run, I'll take care of her," he said as I felt myself slipping.

  "Bold, even for me brother," he said as I allowed my eyes to close for a moment as Thor set me gently on a cot on the floor of the ship.

  "Heimdal, please heal her, Loki has never been a better person, and now that she's around he seems happy again...heal her old friend," he begged as I realized they probably thought I was asleep, cold hands connecting with my suit as the pain faded, but only so slightly.

  "That's as much as I can do without harming her body functions, she has to heal on her own," he said as I knew I had to tell Thor something before I inevitably fell asleep.

  "Thor, your code name is God of Thunder, just tell Laura where you're going and she'll bring you there," I said as I felt his hand on mine.

  "Thank you for all that you've done today, the people of Asgard are forever grateful," he said as I let out a small laugh.

  "Maybe it can justify all the bad things I've done," I said as I drifted into unconciousness.

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