Wakandan Prince

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  I ended up going with Natasha to the signing of the accords, but I didn't pay much attention to anything as microphones were shoved in our faces.

  "Who is this you brought with you today, Miss Romanov," a reporter asked as she caught my attention.

  "Alice Barton, I work with Tony, suit tech and things I help update it, and I train to become an Avenger someday," I said plainly as cameras flashed as we pushed our way through.

  "Do you have anything to say on the other heroes in your city taking measures on their own?"

  "Spiderman and Spidergirl do keep the city safer all of us agree on that," I said as another camera flashed, nearly blinding me as Nat pulled me inside away from the cameras and paparazzi.

  "I don't know how you do it," I smiled, rubbing my eyes carefully as she laughed.

  "You'll get used to it kid," she smiled as we went to the large courtroom and took our seats. I was closer to the front for some reason, but I didn't mind. My senses were ringing like bells as King T'Chaka spoke, causing me to not pay attention to anything, but when I looked at Nat's worried expression my attention was on the window. I ran out, changing into my suit, and climbing the ceiling as not to be seen. Nobody noticed I had left at all, but when I looked out the window and saw a man about to fire something through the window I jumped down as Nat yelled.

  "Everyone get down," she yelled as the first of many bombs went off, but I got blown out the window, using webbing to stop myself from becoming a pancake. I could faintly hear screams as I smashed through a lower window, glass cutting me all over and ripping my suit, but I had to get back to Nat. I climbed the outside of the building with broken ribs, maybe an arm and glass stuck in my skin, and as I made it I evacuated everyone, and knelt next to Prince T'Challa.

  "I'm sorry about King T'Chaka if only I had gotten down sooner-"

  "Every time one of you tries to help someone gets hurt," he said angrily, sending pain to my heart that he blamed me even after I blamed myself. I was sitting there, shock laced in my masked face as I felt the pain of my injuries for the first time.

  "Come on Spidergirl, it's not your fault," Nat said as she helped me up and we walked out. We left and she dropped me back off at the Compound before going to find Tony.

  "Hey, Nat told me what happened," Steve said as he knocked on my door as I sat in my room, the guilt haunting me like a ghost.

  "It's all my fault, I could have saved him," I said quietly as tears streamed down my face and I pulled my knees closer, resting my head in them.

  "Hey, it isn't your fault, you did what you could," he said confidently as he sat on my bed and I lifted my head slightly.

  "Every time since I saw my father when I try to help anyone I can't, I can't Steve I just can't," I sobbed as he pulled me into a tight embrace as I cried into his chest.

  "None of this is your fault, and if it wasn't for the accords on top of everything you would be fine, but right now there's just too much for you," he said comfortingly as I nodded, sniffling as I pulled away, climbing down from my bed.

  "I think I just need to go for a drive, clear my head a bit," I sniffled as he nodded.

  "Do you want me to come with you, after what happened last time you haven't gone anywhere alone except for the one time in London?"

  "No, I'm going to take Nat's car, I'll go to Peter's and be back in the morning," I said as I grabbed one of my multiple black backpacks and put my suit and some clothes for the night and morning in it before grabbing my keys.

  "Thank you, for the comfort," I said softly before I walked to find Nat, asking her for the keys. She tossed them to me without question and I drove to Peter's, arriving as fast as I could.

  "Hey, Alice, you alright," Peter asked nervously as tears welled in my eyes again and he hugged me before bringing me inside.

  "What happened?"

  "It's just everything at once, it's hard I just need... I just need you," I sniffled as he nodded and we walked to his room, laying on his bed as he cuddled me close.

  "I love you Alice, and I heard about what happened, it was all over the news but you did what you could," he comforted me as I nuzzled my head into his chest as I closed my eyes.

  "I love you too Peter, but I could have saved him, I don't know what I would have done if it was you, o-or Nat or Steve. I wouldn't be able to live with myself," I sighed as he kissed me gently.

  "I'm safe, they're safe, don't worry about who it could have been."

  "I'm trying to tell myself that, but what if Tony's right? What if the accords are the only way to keep us in check? I keep thinking Steve's right because what if it's too late, but after what happened I don't know."

  "You always do the right thing, listen to yourself, and don't let anyone else tell you differently," he sighed as I lifted my head, forcing a smile as I kissed him and got off the bed, changing into my pajamas before cuddling back up to him and falling asleep for the first time in days.


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