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  I couldn't sleep once the spell wore off, sitting up all night as the memories ran through my mind, torturing me as I held myself close, my body aching and weak as Loki sat next to me.

  "Gwen, try to sleep, you need it."

  "I-I can't, it hurts, it's burned into my mind, I can't do that again Loki I just can't," I choked out, my throat sore and bruised as he held out his arms which I gladly leaned into.

  "It's going to be okay, I promise, but until we get out of here I can't make any other promises...I'm sorry," he said sadly as I let the tears fall from my eyes, streaming down his bare chest as I tried to calm myself, but still couldn't get the memories out of my mind. 

  "I'm right here...I'll protect you next time, but what if it comes down to doing that or death," he asked as I looked up, meeting his emerald gaze.

  "Loki, the Grandmaster took you away from where I was, you can't protect me if he does that again. Please just...don't get hurt," I said as he looked at me with almost a look of shock, but love laced into it.

  "I didn't realize you cared."

  "Well sometimes what people tell you about someone is completely wrong...and besides, you're growing on me," I smiled as he brushed his fingers gently through my hair.

  "Sing to me," I asked after hearing him hum to himself earlier I knew it may have been the only way for me to sleep.

  "Of course darling," he smiled lovingly as he laid down, my head on his chest as his arm wrapped around my shoulder, the soothing words falling melodiously from his mouth as I drifted into sleep.

  I woke up the next morning to Loki's voice in a hushed tone, his side of the bed still warm like he had just gotten up.

  "She probably won't come down for a few days, she's tired."

  "Well then I suggest you tell her she has one week until the next event like that is held," she spoke lowly as tears already formed in my eyes.

  "She's a Queen, might I not forget the Goddess of Bravery, and I am as well a King and a God, you will not order me around, and she deserves to rest after last night so you will grant her time to recover from the abuse she received without her consent last night. Am I understood," he growled, getting louder by the time he reached the question.

  "You have twelve days," she said as she walked away, Loki letting out a shaky sigh as he closed the door, walking back towards the bed.

  "You didn't have to do that," my morning voice rasped as he looked up at me, his eyes automatically softening as he climbed back in bed.

  "I did, you were forced into what happened last night, and you won't be able to walk when you try. Besides, you're starting to grow on me," he smiled with a content sigh as I returned to the position I was in last night, his large hands rubbing my shoulder soothingly as I closed my eyes.

  "Thank you...for everything," I said as he kissed my forehead.

  "If you knew how much I truly cared for you there would be no need to thank me," he sighed, thinking I was asleep.

  Sleep, that's all I did for most of the day with Loki next to me feeling completely and utterly safe. I was hungry, and I knew I had to train to keep myself in shape, so after a while I tried to get up, ultimately falling on the floor, groaning at the pain emitting between my legs as I wobbled toward the bathroom, getting straight in the bath as I let small sobs escape my lips, dried blood becoming wet as the water turned red, and I just sat there.

  "Gwen where," Loki asked as he saw me in the tub, the water red, and tears staining my face as he walked over to me.

  " let me help," he said gently as he got out of his clothes in seconds, god I wish I had his powers.

  "Loki it's okay, I'm okay," I said as he shook his head, lifting me gently and sitting behind me, grabbing the soap from next to the tub as he gently rubbed it over my skin.

  "I'm not hurting you am I?"

  "No, actually it feels really good," I sighed as he smiled continuing to gently wash my skin and then my hair.

  "Is your hair always this long?"

  "No, I need to cut it again, it grows too fast," I sighed as he let out a small chuckle.

  "What about you?"

  "I keep mine long on purpose," he said as I leaned back on his shoulder, his fingers scrubbing my scalp.


  "Do you know what a frost giant is?"

  "It's a Norse mythological creature from the realm of Juotenheim made of frozen tears," I said, showing my knowledge, but also answering his question.

  "Exactly well...I'm one of them, but they don't usually have hair but because of my aseir form I can grow hair. The way I look at it is maybe if I don't look like than I won't be the monster I was born as," he sighed as I found a way to turn to face him.

  "Look at me are not a monster, you are one of the kindest people I've ever met and that honestly says a lot. No matter how much of a monster other people call you I will still say you aren't because to're nothing more than a tortured soul," I said as he smiled down at me, love was all I saw as he kissed me on the lips, and I kissed back.

   "You are the most amazing woman Gwen I hope you know that."

   "Kinda hard to think that when the Avengers push me aside, the only ones that made me a priority are gone, and Peter being Spider-Man it does make it hard to spend time together, even when we put time aside if there's a call one of us has to go," I sighed as Loki lifted me from the tub to my surprise it was like I was a doll made of china, treating me with the most care like one wrong move and I would shatter.

  "I could never, you would be someone I would keep close, and the Avengers should see how smart and powerful, and brave you are. Anyone who treats you different is an idiot," he said as he helped me rinse in the shower, his arm around my hip to make sure I didn't fall.

  "How can you think so highly of me after knowing me for only two days," I asked as he put his head in the crook of my neck.

  "Can I tell you the truth?"

  "Of course," I smiled as he gently kissed my shoulder before grabbing the towel from outside the shower, wrapping me in it and helping me back to the bed where I sat.

  "I see so much of me in you, and it scares me, but at the same time I...I think I fell in love with you," he said timidly as I kissed him again.

  "Can I be honest with you too?"


  "I see myself in you too, and I feel the exact same way, it's intriguing to fall in love with someone who you see so much of yourself in," I said as his eyes met mine again.

  "What about your mortal?" 

  "Now you care," I laughed as he smirked.

  "No, but are you sure about this?"

  "With everything in me."

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