Chapter 55

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Again, for the 100th time please stop asking me about her.

I attended this event since I thought I would forget about her however everything and everyone kept on reminding me of how much I want to be with her.

Artists of all ages kept on asking me who my girlfriend is, or what does she do.

Or will she be my date for tomorrow's awarding ceremony.

I just answered a very scripted statement or with a shrug.

And they all giggled thinking I was being mysterious and all.


I am mending a broken heart here people!

Of course I can't tell them that.

I'm too good of a gentleman not to.

Yet, why did this all come down to this.

How can we finish something that did not even begin in the first place?


The first time I saw her was when i was eight.

I transferred from an all boys school from the city to somewhere provincial and not so exclusive private school.

It was my first time being in a school where boys and girls can be seen together, a co-ed school.

Oh, I hated it!

I told my parents that I do not want to leave my friends. But they kept on insisting that I will meet new ones.

I was the leader of my class in my old school that I found it quite daunting to immerse myself in an unfamiliar place.

So what a boy to do but to find an easy target.

I heard that a certain girl from this school kept on winning awards on drawing contests.

I have been my old school's official artist so I guessed in my head, during that time, there could only be one of us.

First day, I approached this skinny looking girl with the darkest hair I have ever seen. It was not that long but it was shiny enough to attract me.

Her face was what people call nowadays as a classic beauty...

...I, on the other hand, used to call her duck-faced.

I was eight.

I taunted her saying that I will take over her place.

Now that I have realized it, she did not even look that scared to my threats.

She was a very courageous girl.

I bullied her all those years and yet she did not even cry, not even once.

She called me her nemesis.

I called her my rival.

My rival that I loved since way back when.

I was just too stupid and thick-headed back then, and in all honesty, even now.

What else can I say... was because I was eight.

(End of Flashback)

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