Chapter 15

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"I'm concerned about her." I said to my wife.

"Me too. But she's a big girl." She said as she clutch her hand on my arm.

"She's too naive and dense, even though she's so smart." I said worriedly.

"I believe your big brother's overprotectiveness sense are getting activated right now." She said playfully.

"Of course it would." I defended.

"Who wouldn't want to protect their little sister from all of these big bad wolves." I continued.

"Did you see what she looked like when she went down the stairs at the hotel?" I was really shocked when I saw her this morning.

"I saw her and I saw your reaction. It looked like you want to kill everyone." She laughed.

"Can't she see how beautiful she had become? My dad will have a heart attack if he sees her in that dress." I said as I looked at my wife with amazement.

"Wait until you see her in her evening dress on Friday." She laughed again.

"Hold on, what will she be wearing on Friday?" I asked as my eyes go wide.

"Let's just say you have to reserve your strength in fending off those wolves." She said mysteriously as she walked towards Mr. Ferrer.

"Julia! Jules, what will she be wearing? Hey..." I said as I trotted towards my wife to pester as she continued to laugh.

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