Chapter 20

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He speaks Italian so fluently.

I did not speak the language except for a few basic words. I guessed he needed it to deal with customers.

He was liked me.

I studied French in Canada, a necessity for our bilingual readers, as well as Spanish, Nippongo, Mandarin, a little bit of Cantonese and a few German.

However, with regards to the main issue, I was still in a daze when he answered my question on why he painted me instead.

For some reason, his answer left me unsatisfied.

He just felt like it?

Yeah right!

He was hiding something from me.

Or was he telling the truth?

I was confused.

And that twitch in my heart came back as if it was a normal appendage of my body.

I saw him hung up.

"I need to go." He stated.

"Urgent business?" I asked.

"Yeah. You could say that." He said nonchalantly.

I pulled his cardigan and was about to give it to him when he stopped me.

"No. Keep it for now. It's still cold." He said.

I smiled at his concern.

He really is a gentleman.

Then, my light bulb switched on.

A wild idea struck me.

"Well I guess there is no other choice but to come with you." I said mischievously.

He looked utterly confused. "What do you mean?"

"Since you don't want me to give this back, I think I need to come with you to wherever you are going." I grinned at my plan.

"What?!" He said bewildered as I pulled his arm to run with him towards the exit.

He did not have time to think or refuse.

I saw my brother walking towards me but I signaled that I need to go and will call him later.

He looked puzzled at first then he saw Nicholas with me.

And for some reason he just understood and waved me goodbye while smiling.

We reached the parking lot and he asked me what now.

"Which one is yours?" I said to the cars lined up.

"That one.", as he pointed to a black two-wheeler.

He does drive a Ducati.

He really was the one I saw at the gallery speeding away.

"Are you sure you want to come with me?" He said seriously.

"Yup!" As I strapped on the extra helmet he gave me.

I have never ridden a motorcycle before.

I was so excited.

He hopped on first and instructed me on how to get on.

"I don't want any of those princess sitting position." I told him determined to make this work.

"I want the cool way."

He laughed and told me to just copy what he did.

So I did.

"You have to hang tight." He said.

"And don't blame me if your skirt flies." He added teasingly.

"There's nothing to see anyways." I said as I tightened my grip on his waist.

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