Chapter 47

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"It's coming back." I said smiling as my wife hooked her arm around mine.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Their spunk and stubbornness." I said.

Julia looked at me in surprised.

"Those were the reasons why I thought both of them were meant for each other in the first place. Nobody just wanted to lose." I continued as both of us walked together towards the elevator.

"You mean they were like that since." She said eyes wide.

"Yup! Actually, worse than that." I reminisced. "They used to spite each other."

"Their relationship is more of what we call love and hate." I said.

"They completely love each other and yet they want to tear each other apart. Passionate young ones." I stated.

"They are quite competitive, you know." I pressed the button of our hotel floor.

"It's going to be fun." I said whistling as my wife continued to look at me aghast.


My most fond memory of these two idiot couple was when my mother asked me to bring the science project that my sister forgot at home to her school.

My semester break just started as I have arrived two days ago from my university.

My sister was so happy to see me that she kept on telling me stories about her high school activities.

Being 8 years older than her, I have been the one closest to this younger sibling of mine.

"You are my idol.", that was what she said when she was 6 years old.

I guessed that was one of the many factors why she enjoyed and dipped her own fingers into paint and art.

I guessed that was why I was a sucker when it comes to what she wants. Spoiled brat!

I informed the front office that my sister forgot her project and that I was bringing it in.

My history and me, being an alumnus, made it easier to get in.

I walked in the high school department building and saw a lot of familiar faces.

It made things easier for me to find her...or so I thought?!

To my surprise, most of the teachers did not even know that I was related to Hannah.

Apparently, I discovered that my sister was not popular in the high school department.

I found that a little odd though, since I know that my lil' sister had been in the running to become one of the best artists in our region.

Was she not as active as she had been before?

I went to her classroom and found out that they are on break right now.

I thought I should go to her club room, since she kept on telling stories about her new extracurricular activities.

That in mind, I went straight to the "Art" club room. I was still familiar to the place and where it was located since I have left it only a few years ago.

I saw the handprints in rainbow colours of all the past and present members by the door. It had not changed one bit. I smiled at the memory.

I entered the door expecting my sister to be sitting at the front desk.

However, I was greeted by a group of guys huddling as if they were preparing for battle or something.

I knocked belatedly just to announce my presence.

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