Chapter 32

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Today was fantastic!

Well, I thought it was about to end fantastic but when I got back from my urgent phone call from my panicking publisher/boss's call, Nicholas was already saying his goodbyes to Giussepina and Alberto.

I said my goodbyes and thank yous hurriedly since he was already striding towards his bike.

He looked angry for some reason.

I was about to ask him what was wrong when he just passed me the second helmet, hopped on the motorcycle and started it.

He looked at me, more like pierced me with his gaze, as if telling me to hurry up, and that was what I did.

I hurriedly rode at the passenger seat not even daring to hold at his waist tighter, even though earlier today I ironically clung unto his shoulders for support while we were dancing.

I felt the building tension behind his back.

He was not looking angry, he was really boiling mad.

He dropped me off in front of my hotel and walked away without a backward glance.

And we were back to square one.

I cannot help my twitching heart.

I was about to call him out again when my phone, for the third time, disturbed my momentum.

"Hello?" I politely answered.

"Lil' sis, where are you now?!" Kuya Francis' voice boomed from the other side that I have to move the phone away from my eardrum.

"I'm here at the lobby." I said as I looked around for that broad back that I have suddenly become so familiar with.

I saw it from afar as it kept on zooming away from my eyesight, and fading away from me.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I heard myself say to my brother's question even though I'm far from being okay.

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