39: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"No matter what you did, no matter what perfection or flaws that you carried, I'll still love you because you still love me despite of all my mistakes, with that I'm so grateful to have you".



Rome and rain both stay on the hospital for three days to monitor their condition, thanks God that nothing bad happens to them, the doctor informs me that they can now be discharged from thr hospital. We're now preparing to be discharge to the hospital.

"Are you sure that you're fine now rome?", I asked my lover whos arranging his clothes and things into the bag.

"Don't be a worrywart p'pick, I'm fine now, and I also want to leave this hospital, I'm starting to get bored", rome replied to me, I smiled to him and nodded.

"Daddy, can we go to the mall before we go back to our home, I want a teddy bear can I have one?", my son asked me, I kneel in front of him and nodded.

"Of course my baby we can, I will buy you so many teddy bears", I announced to rain who jump in happiness, he went straight to rome.

"Mommy, I will have a new bear later, daddy said that he will buy me one, what color is the best mommy?", the child excitedly asked rome, rome lifted rain and make the child sit on his lap, rome hugged rain with so much love.

"Baby, buy your favorite color, that would be fun, what's your favorite color baby?", rome asked my son with a bright smile on his face.

"It's green mommy", rain replied that makes rome eyes widens, I smirked to this and sat down beside them.

"You two had the same color favorite rome, so don't be suprised anymore, you and him quite have a resemblance despite of him being the son of chingching", I explained to them, rome nodded to me as he embraced rain with a content smile on his face.

Thirty minutes passed, rain is now sleeping on his bed on the hospital room, we're currently waiting for the final results of the the last examination that they conduct to rome and rain. Rome is caressing rains hair lovingly, I take a deep breath and starts to ask the questions that I really want to ask him for the passed two days.


"No one hits my head that night", rome cut me off, he looks at me and faintly smile. I sigh when I realize that he already knew what will I ask him with.

"Yes, I know the doctor informed me that you didn't got any concussion, looks like you know what I will ask to you, did you screamed that night for me to avoid finding and helping chingching?", I explained and asked to my lover who just keeps starring at me while smiling.

"And also I'm not crazy", rome added to, I nodded to him and I grab and holds his hands tightly as I smile to him to reassure him that everything was fine.

"I know, you also had some help from the others", I exclaimed to him. Rome smiled to me, looks like he remember the night that he planned everything.

Flashback (rome pov)
A week ago

"What do you mean rome, what do you want emma and I to do?",

"I want you to came in Thailand along with emma and summer p'din, chingching already signed the divorce papers but I know that its not the end, that's not the chingching that I know",

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