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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

    "I gave everything to you but you only repay me with pain and tears".



"Yes, Emma I know but please forgive me you knew that this day was my and p'picks fifth anniversary so I need to bring some lunch to him today in his workplace, but I promise I will accompany you tomorrow wherever you want Ems", I sincerely reasoned to my childhood and only best friend Emma. She really wants to go to a mall today because his boyfriend P'porsche was busy like my lover P'pick. After we all graduated from our university P'porsche and P'pick decided to build their own animal clinic. For me and Emma we found a work under a photography studio as the assistant photographer and we were really happy at our work.

"Ok fine rome, you win this time, and I'm sure that p'pick will love the lunch that you cooked for him, happy fifth anniversary rome but remember our mall tomorrow. I will not buy any reason if you're not there tomorrow forget our friendship", emma seriously replied to me and I laugh. She really loves shopping.

"Yes, Emms I won't be late or anything but for now I'll hang up the phone I need to prepare the food, talk to you later girl, love you",

"Love you too rome, good luck", emma replied to and I ended the phone. I get s lunch box and starts to arrange the food. When p'pick and I started to live together four years ago was the day that I started to learned many thai desserts and food because I really like p'pick reaction everytime he taste my food he was smiling and praising me and my heart fluttered to that.

"Alright that's perfect, I hope p'pick love this", I happily said as I clean the table and carefully put the lunch box in a plastic. I looked at the wall clock and I saw that it was only thirty minutes before twelve and p'picks clinic is a ten minute drive.

"Goodbye taotao, see you later baby", I told to our dog a cute white pomerenian. He was p'pick gift to me on our second anniversary and now he lives with us in this condo. I messed taotao fur and kissed him to the head as I say goodbye and I love you.

After a twenty minute drive, I arrived at p'porsche and p'pick animal clinic. I happily opens the door and all the staffs greets me. They already knew me due to p'pick, he introduced me on the day that this clinic opened for service. I walked to the receiving area and talk to Ploy the one who recieves the visitors.

"Good afternoon Ploy, does p'pick inside his office, I'm here to deliver his lunch for today", I politely asked her but she didn't answer me she just lowered her head like she was hiding something.

"Ploy, is there any problem, why are you so tense are you alright?", I worriedly asked her. I know all the staffs here and I was close to all of them because I used to visits everyday but when our photography studio has a lot of work, I didn't visit here anymore.

"Sir Rome, yes Doc. Pick was in his office right now", ploy said to me with a low voice and my brow frown but I ignored her behavior and decided to go to p'pick office along the way I saw p'porsche and to my suprise he seems shocked seeing me here.

"P'porsche good afternoon, I will visit p'pick excuse me", I politely said as I walk pass to him but he grab my arm.

"Nong rome, can you come on another day pick was busy right now", p'porsche said to me but I refused.

"P' you're that second person that looks so suspicious today, what's really happening p, you and ploy was really strange today", I asked in curiosity but p'porsche remains silent and suddenly I felt something wrong like they were hiding something big to me so I decided to untangle my arms to p'porsche and run straight to p'pick office.

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