11: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"I love you, I really do, but our story already ended a long time ago, and now you're not even mine to love and cherish".



"He.........loo, hic........ emm.........can........hic you........hic fetchhhhh........me hic here .............at sunrise
.............bar, I'm hiccc.......quietttt drunk...........", I heard rome said from the other line and I'm sure that he was drunk.

"Hey.......hey........rome don't hang up, wait for me there!!!!!", I replied hurriedly but I'm too late rome already ended the call. "Shiaaaa!!!!!", I cursed in frustration, I hurriedly change my clothes, get my wallet and car keys and left my room. On my way downstairs I bump into my father.

"Hey, pick why such in a hurry, its already eleven in the evening you supposed to be in your bed by now", my father asked me in confusion.

"Dad, I'm going to pick rome, he mistook me to be emma and called he was really drunk, I will go there I'm worried dad, rome had a low tolerance to liqour", I explained in panic and confusion, because I knew rome, he didn't even taste a small amount of liquor when we're still together.

"Alright, pick calm down go and bring rome here after that", my father stated with a smile.

"Yes dad thank you!, please look for rain for the meantime", I replied with a smile and I hurriedly left the house.


Exactly eleven thirty, I arrived at the bar, loud music was heard from the outside, some drunk people exits from the door. I walk to the front door and opens it, loud music and party lights welcomed me, peole dancing in the the dance floor. I roamed my eyes in the whole room looking for my rome. I sighed in relief when I found him on the counter with his head on his arms on the table he was sleeping due to drunkness.

"Sir, did you know him?", the bartender asked me when I holds romes hands. I look at him and nodded.

"Yes, thank you for looking at him, how much is his bill, I'm going to pay for it", I replied with a smile, I saw three bottles of vodka in front of rome, vodka when did rome starts to drink such a strong liqour.

"Sir, heres his bill,", the bartender comes back with a reciept in his hand and I get some money into my wallet and give it to him. "Keep the change", I replied back and he smiled, and left.

"Rome, love wake up let's go home", I said to rome with a low voice, while holding his hand. Rome eyes opens tiredly and look at me.

"P'pick why are you here?, haha I'm really drunk I guess I'm starting to hallucinate", rome lowly laughed as he once again lowered his head.

"Rome, its me pick, now let's go your drunk", I replied and put his arms aroun my shoulder and lifted him, rome smiled and put his head to my chest.

"Hmmm, I feel comfortable to you, you're like my p'pick so warm and caring, but I know he will never return to me", I heard rome whispered and I felt my shirt wet, is he crying. I put him at the passanger seat and securely seatbelt him. I carefully stared at his sleeping face with a sad smile.

"I really want you back, my rome please open up your heart to me again, and I promise I won't break it again", I sincerely whispered to him while caressing his red cheeks.

Its already one thirty when we arrived at my house, mrs fern and our butler opens the gate for me. When I parked my car, I lifted rome into my arms and I enters the house.

"Mrs. Fern can you get me a basin of water and I wash clothes and bring that to my room, thank you", I politely request to to her and she nodded and hurriedly went to the kitchen.

I walked straight to my room and laid rome to my bed. My father enters my room and worriedly stared to rome.

"How is he son?", he asked me.

"He's fine dad, but drunk he emptied three bottles of vodka, a really irresponsible choice of liquor", I replied with a smile while still watching romes sleeping face how I miss his presence here in my room.

"Take care of him pick", my father once again said and he left the room. Mrs. Fern arrived and put the basin of water on the table beside my bed.

"He's fine, mrs. Fern you don't have to worry anymore he's just drunk", I reassured my nana when I noticed her worried look while starring at rome.

"I'll be leaving now pick please take care of him", mrs fern exclaimed and she nodded and leave.

I starting to unbotton romes chirt when his hands stopped me when I look up, I saw him looking at me still drunk.

"See I'm still hallucinating, I'm still seeing you p'pick, I can still feel your warm hands as I hold them", rome stated to me with tears on his eyes.

"Love, its me your not hallucinating or dreaming, I'm here beside you rome.............ummmph", my eyes widens when rome suddenly pull me towards and kissed me. I close my eyes and replied to his kiss passionately how I missed his lips on mine. After a minute rome pulled away and look straight to my eyes.

"Please, make me yours again tonight, p'pick, I really missed you even if this was a dream make me moan again your name for once last time", rome exclaimed to and he kissed my neck hungrily, I close my eyes trying to control myself, rome was just drunk I don't want to take advantage but as the minutes pass with his still licking my neck passionately, I starting to lose my control.

I grabbed romes, face and kissed him onced again, as I starts to remove his clothes until he was completely naked.

"I really love you rome", I whispered to him and licked his ear. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I love you too p'pick", he replied to me while moaning, my last control dissappeared and I removed my clothes.

"Are you ready my love", I exclaimed hungrily to rome, who glanced at me.

"Always, love", he replied to me making me smile happily, I get the lube at the drawer and slowly prepared my rome, and when everything was prepared. I slowly enters my love.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, hhhhhhhhmmppppp",


I woke up when I felt that rome was not beside me anymore, I lifted my naked body and lean on the headboard.

"He left already", I said to myself, and my eyes saw something on the table beside my bed a piece of paper, I get it and read.

You're not mine anymore, I let myself lose control, yet why did I don't felt any guilt to what we have done. I missed you so much p'pick but the fate isn't ours this time, you have a son to taken care of and my life doesn't belong here in thailand anymore. For one last time, I want to say I love you and Goodbye. Until we meet again...........




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