36: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Yes, I made a mistake six years ago, and the fate are now starting to make me pay, but I will do everything to save the two of you, cause I will never let the fate take any of you as a payment for the grave mistakes that I made that day".




"That's what happened to rome when he was still in new york", din and emma said to me.

I just listened without noticing that my tears are flowing freely from my eyes, I never thought that those things did happened to my rome.

"Why didn't he told me about this?", I asked them, din and emma both smiled at me.

"He's rome p'pick, you of all people knew that answer in your own question", emma replied as she lifted her daughter to sat down on my bed.

"He doesn't want me to blame myself and to worry for him", I exclaimed when I realized the reason behind his doings.

"Yes, you got it right pick, rome also begged emma and I to let this past of him a secret but you also have a right to know everything, he's your lover afterall", din said to me.

"Then if that's the case why did you suddenly said this things to now?", I asked in confusion, the saw the two of them exchanged glipse to each other.

"What's really happening here?", porsche suddenly exclaimed in total confusion, we both carefully observed emma and dins movements.

"Rome was afraid being alone, in a dark lonely place you know what I meant p'pick, if chingching was the one behind this I'm sure that she will hurt rome and we're afraid that he's past illness will come back again", emma explained to me, my hands tightly gripped the sheet of the bed while I'm thinking about the things that chingching might do to my rome.

"Yes, you're right about that, she probably won't hurt rain that much because that child was still her son, but for rome, who she thinks as a rival, I'm not sure what will happens", porsche commented to himself.

"Then we need to do something right now, I need to go out now and find them!!", I exclaimed as I try to stand up.

"What can you do?, you didn't even know where's the place that chingching brought them", din replied to me with a serious tone.

"And what you want me to do, just sit here and do nothing?", I yelled to din but he just look back at me with a serious one.

"Think of a plan to get them save not to do something drastic like this, wait for her call and plan, be matured pick, you of all people knew that chingching will never kill rome", din said in a serious tone, I lowered my head and nods to him, he was right, I didn't need to think too much, all I need to think was to get my family back.

"Pick!!!!!", we all look at the door when I saw my father and mrs fern enters the room with so much worry in their eyes, my father went straight to me and hug me.

"I'm so glad that you're safe, what the hell happened, and where's rome and rain?!!!", my father asked in so much worry.

"Chingching kidnap rome and rain, thay fucking bitch that's the reason why she signed those fucking papers, she planned all of this!!!", I muttered in so much hate.

"We will find them pick, I promise we will find him, rome and rain will be back safe and sound", my father stated to me, he holds my hand and squeezed it softly.

"Thank you so much father, thank you for being with me here", I sincerely said to my father as I hugged him tight. Its really important for me that he was here beside me and giving me the support that I need right now that my rome and rain were not here beside me.

One hour past and my phone suddenly ring, when I look at the number I already knew that its chingching, I answered it.


"Hello again pick, looks like you're waiting for my call, that's nice did you miss me?", I gritted my teeth to what chingching said, I didn't answer and I heard her laughing.

"Looks like you don't miss me but don't worry its fine for me, haha do you want to talk to your new slut", chingching muttered and I gripped my phone tightly.

"What did you do to rome!!!!", I exclaimed angrily to her.

"Haha, what do you think of me pick, I'm not the kind of person who will do that haha, now talk", I heard her muttered and the next thing I heard was my romes voice.

"P'pick, help us!!!!!, please help us!!!!!.......accckkkk", my eyes widens when I heard a loud slap on the other line.

"Rome, are you alright rome!!!!", I screamed in worry, my father and the others also look at me worriedly.

"Hahaah, don't be so dramatic pick, I just slapped that bitch he's so loud, come here in two hours pick, I'm at my parents old house its looks hunted haha, and I' sure that your rome and rain will be terrified in this place so come quick", chingching informed me and she hang up the phone.

"She already told me where she was, I need to go there and save my family", I exclaimed to my friends and father.

"We will call the police pick!!!", my father said and I hurriedly shakes my head.

"No, father we can't do that, I need to go there alone we don't know what chingching can do to my family if we call a police", I explained to them and I starts to fix myself.

"We will come with you don't worry we will distance our car from you so chingching didn't begins to suspect", din suggested to me and I nodded in agreement, we all left the hospital and starts to drive to where chingching old family house is located.

"Wait for me rome and rain, I'm on my way, I will save the two of you", I thought to myself while I gripped the steering wheel tightly.



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