28: PICK

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Notes: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.



When I entered my office, I found my lawyer sitting on the sofa with an envelope on his hand, he stand up when he saw me.

"Good morning sir", he politely greets to me, I nod at him and signal him to sit down again.

"Good morning attorney, you're too early did something happened?", I asked in curiousity as I put down my things on my desk and sat down on my chair. My attorney nodded and he sat down on the chair in front of me, he handed the envelope and I eyed that suspiciously.

"What's that attorney did she already signed the papers?", I asked back to my lawyer with hope on my voice but he shakes his head to me.

"I'm sorry sir, that's not the case this time, this was sent to me yesterday by the court it's a custody file from ms chingching againsts you sir pick", my eyes widens to what he said, I instantly opens the envelope and read it's content and my layer was right it's really a custody case againsts me.

"She has a nerve to do this fucking thing, she didn't even treat rain as her son not even a single moment and now she's asking for a custody, the fuck!!!!", I yelled in anger as my hands starting to clutched the papers tightly.

"I know sir but her the chances of her to get your son is high, she's the mother and rain was just only six years old and according to the law the custody of that age belongs to the mother", my lawyer informed me and no matter how much I want to say something, he was right that's the law.

"Then what if we have an evidence that she's just hurting rain, can we changed the judge decisions?", I asked in hope for my rain. The lawyer nods to me.

"Yes we had a chance to change the judge decision if we can present any evidence againsts ms chingching", my lawyer said that makes me sigh in relief, atleast we had a chance to change everything.

"Hmm sir I also have one more case here but it's for mr rome", my lawyer said that makes me frowned in confusion.

"What charged is that attorney, rome didn't do anything?", I replied to him, he gets another envelop from his suitcase and gave it to me.

"It's a file of grave threats mr pick, ms chingching filed that to mr rome, in that article ms chingching said that mr rome are sending her some box with a container of blood on it and a piece of paper saying some frightening contents on them", my attorney informed me and I carefully read the papers on my hand.

"What the fuck rome can't do this attorney, you already met my rome and to do something this bloody, I'm sure that it's not him!!!!", I exclaimed to him.

"I know sir but you better ask him about that, we need to know from his mouth if he really do that or not, for now mr pick that's the things that I want to say by the way the court are having a trial for rains case next week, we have a week to find evidence againsts ms chingching", my attorney announced to me and I nodded to him after that he left my office. I just sat down on my chair while holding the two papers on my hand.

"She's really ruining me, she's targeting my most important persons, that fucking bitch, you won't win thus fight chingching, I will protect my family from you", I muttered to myself as I starts to crumpled the papers in my hand, anger was the only emotions that I have for chingching now.


Due to more patients today, I stayed at the vet hospital until six in the evening. I arrived at the house at seven, when I enters the house I smell something delicious, I saw mrs fern setting the table.

"Good evening mrs fern", I politely greets to our maid and my nanny, she smiled at me and bowed in respect.

"Good evening master pick, please wait for a moment and the food will be ready", she informed me and I nodded to her, I roamed my eyes around the whole eyes when I noticed something, I once again look at mrs fern.

"Mrs. Fern where's my rome and rain?", I asked her and she points to where the kitchen is, I just followed her direction and a smile formed on my lips when I saw Rome and Rain both cooking the food, I leaned on the door while watching them.

"Baby, taste it for me, here", I heard rome muttered when he get a spoonful of the broth and give it to rain.

"Mommy it's so delicious, you cook very well, teach me mommy!!!", my son happily announced to rome who smiled back to him.

"Yes baby, I will teach you", rome replied. I decided to approached them, I hugged them from the back.

"How's my babies!!!", I asked as I kissed their cheeks, rome kissed me back while rain just giggles.

"Welcome home daddy", they both replied to me with a sweet smile on their faces.

"Hey guys let's eat, we're starving here to death", we laughed when we heard my fathers voice from the dining area, the three of us starts to prepare the food and we all enters the dining area.

"Here it comes!!!", rain happily announced as we exit the kitchen, we found all of the maids and driver there along with my father.

"Atlast you finally get out from the kitchen, let's eat now", my father said, the three of us sat down and pur family starts to eat. I watched all of them, this is the fantasy that I wished to be a reality back then, and here it was because of my rome.


After the dinner, I got some report to do until nine in the evening. When I enters my room, I found rome and rain sleeping peacefully in my bed, I smiled and laid beside them.

"I will never let anyone harms the two of you, I will do everything to protect the two of you, I love you rome and rain", I whispered to their sleeping faces, I won't let anyone to steal my happiness from me. I laid down and hugged them tightly, they move and snuggles closer to me.



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