22: ROME

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Everything have it's own time, just wait for it to come".



I'm currently at the balcony, when my phone rings I look at it to found emmas number, this makes me frown why did emma calls me.

"Hello emms?", I greets her.

"Hello rome, how are you?", I heard emma asked me, I smiled as I sat down at the one of the chair in the balcony.

"I'm fine emm, how about you and summer?", I asked back to her and this time the line goes silent, on the moment I know that somethings happening.

"What's happening emms?, do you have any problem about our studio?", I worriedly asked my best friend, I know that she's a strong and brave girl but still emma was so emmotional.

"We are going there next week rome, I had a client that will have a wedding in Thailand, summer and I will stay there for a week", emma informed me with a worried tone.

"That's great emms but why you sounded worried?", I asked in curiosity, after a minute I heard emma chuckles.

"Rome what are you talking about, I'm fine............", I sighed and decided to cut her off.

"I'm the only person that you will never lie with, we're bestfriends emms I know your every move, so I will ask again what's bothering you emm?",

"Can you contact p'porsche for me rome?", I'm suprised to what emms said to me, I went back inside the room and sat at the bed.

"Emma what.......", I muttered and emma only laughs at me.

"I know that you already told him about summer rome", emma exclaimed and I suddenly became nervous, is she angry to me.

"Emma I'm sorry", I whispered in guilt, I know that its not the right thing to do but I just pitied p'porsche.

"Don't think about that rome, I understand and I'm not mad at you, perhaps its also the right time to told him, and I also want summer to know about her father, I'm not a selfish person rome, and I know that if you were the one whose in my situation you will also do this, p'porsche was the father and I don't what to steal that to him", emma informed me, I smiled to her courage, I knew that it was really hard for her but she still choose to let summer be happy.

"You know what emms, you're really a good mother material, you're willing to reconcile to p'porsche just for the sake of summer", I commented with a smile, emma giggles to what I said.

"We're the same my friend, you also do that because of rain, you treat that child like yours, I'm happy for you rome cause now you have what you always wished for a family, a loving and caring family", emma exclaimed that makes me smile in realization, yes she was right rain was one of the reason why I reconcile to p'pick but the main reason was because I really love him despite what he did wrong to me.

"And I hope that you will also have that happy family emm, don't worry I will tell p'porsche that you want to see him", I reaasured my best friend.

"Thank you so much rome, see you next week", emma exclaimed back to me, I nodded and replied to her.

"See you emms, have a safe flight", I said and after that I ended her call, a sighed of relief escape from my lips, a smile drwan into my lips while my eyes still looking at my phone.

"Are you alright rome?", I was startled when p'pick suddenly tapped my shoulder, I look at his worried face with a frown.

"P'pick how long have you been there?", I asked to my lover in a confused tone, I'm really suprised to find him already standing beside me.

"I called you for almost five times now, are you really alright, you seem bothered about something, you know that you can tell me everything rome", p'pick sincerely spoke to me, he sit down beside me while holding my hand, I smiled to him and nodded.

"P'pick, emms called me earlier, she informed me that she and summer will stay for a week here in thailand due to one of the customer wedding", I narrated to p'pick with my eyes locked on our intertwined hands.

"That's a good news rome, you will see her and summer once again but why you looks so worried about that matter?", p'pick asked again and this time I sighed.

"Because she wanted to talk to p'porsche to clear things out, I'm just worried about her p'pick, emm looks strong but the truth is she's quite emotional", I muttered to p'pick who tightened the hold to my hands.

"They need to talk about summer rome, porcshe and I knew that we are the reason why you and emma left us that day, and we are really regret doing those things to both of you who just love us with all of your hearts, that's why we are now fixing it, let them talk rome, emma was ready now, for her daughters sake she need to do it by herself", pick explained to me and I nodded to him in understanding.

"Yes you're right p'pick and I also trust emma to do the right thing, by the way I'm so excited to meet my goddaughter again", I exclaimed in happiness and excitement to my lover.

"Summer, grew up to be a mischievous but a thoughtful girl, and that thanks to you and emma, she's smart and lovely", p'pick commented with a smile and I proudly nodded.

"Yes, she is, she's a persistant girl, a clever one but honest in all of her words, I'm proud to that girl, and I hope that p'porcshe will be also proud to his daughter", I muttered in hope. Summer is the kind of girl that you will love in the first glance.

"He will, porsche always wished for a daughter, for a family of his own, thats why I'm sure that he will be happy to have emma and summer, come on love let's sleep it's already midnight and we have work tomorrow", p'pick exclaimed.

"I don't have a client meeting tomorrow, I will go to your animal hospital to personally talk to p'porsche", I informed to p'pick who nodded we both laid on the bed with my head on his chest while his hand was carressing my hair.

"Alright, after we drop rain to his school, we will go to porsche", pick muttered, I closed my eyes when the sleepiness catched me, I smiled in contentment while listening to p'pick heartbeat.


The next day, p'pick and I went straight to his animal clinic after we dropped rain to his school. I smiled to the staffs whenever they greets me. When we open p'pick office we found p'porsche sitting at the sofa with a cup of coffee on his hand.

"Ohh good morning, what's the occasion, you two are here today?", p'porsche asked with a confused look, I smile and sat beside him with my eyes still locked to his.

"P'porsche I'm here because of what Emma requested me to do", I informed him, and he suddenly became active and seriously look at me.

"What it is rome?", p'porsche eagerly said.

"Emma decided to talk to you p'porsche, she and summer will stay here for a week, they will arrives next wednesday, emm commanded me to say that she wants to talk to you, I don't know the whole information but be ready", I exclaimed to p'porcshe, I smiled when I saw him smile in happiness, he hurriedly left the office with a bright smile on his lips. I shifted my look to p'pick and he nods and smile back to me.

"I leave everything to you now, p'porsche, please don't hurt my friend again", I thought in hope for a positive reslt of that meeting.



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