10: ROME

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.



"You look gloomy today rome, are you alright?", emma asked me while she touch my forehead.

"I'm fine emms, I just didn't sleep last night", I honestly replied to emma who sat opposite to me with a serious face.

"You came late last night, and also a little sobber rome, and I won't believe that you were fine so now tell me the truth", emma seriuosly asked while she crossed her arms into her chest and I sighed in defeat, I really can't hide something from her.

"Fine, you already knew that I went to play to rain yesterday, p'pick father invited me to dinner and when I'm about to leave p'pick said that he likes to reconcile to me, and I don't know what to do anymore", I exclaimed in frustration, I'm mad at him yer my heart still longing for p'pick. Emma put her hand on my shoulder and look at me straight.

"Do what your heart wants and wish for rome, p'din will understand, we both knew that p'din is willing to let you go if you decided to came back to pick, but please think about this", emma exclaimed in worry to me. Yes, p'din knows that I still love p'pick no matter how many years passed by, and he was willing to let me go yet I felt guilty if I do that to him, cause I will admit to myself that I'm starting to love p'din. I sighed and stood up from the chair.

"Thank you emma, excuse me I'll just call p'din", I replied to emma and I went straight to my room and calls p'din, after a ring he answers my call.

"Hello, rome, how's your day?", p'din asled me while I sat down on my bed and smiled.

"I'm fine p'din, I will have my flight tomorrow, how about you?", I asked back and I heard p'din chuckled and sighed.

"Tiring I guess, many customers made an appointment these past few days, and they really want you to take their pictures so be ready when you came back baby", p'din informed me. I smiled when I heard it. "But I'm sure that's not the reason why you called me today rome", I was stunned to what p'din stated.

"How...........", I asked with a trembling voice.

"Baby, I already knew that this day will came, you really love pick and I accepted my defeat a long time ago yet I'm so blessed that you love me like your brother, and I'm still open to let you go if you choose pick again but if he hurts you again, I will kill him", I lowly laugh when I heard p'din serious tone.

"Thank you p'din but let's forget that for the meantime, I will talk to you when I go back but for now, what suveneir you like?", I asked him and p'din hurriedly said to me the list that he have.


"Rome where are you going?", I heard emma asked me when I get my wallet from my room. I look at her and grinned.

"I'm having fun tonight emms, I'm going to a bar do you want to go with me?", I asked my best friend but she shakes her head.

"You know that I have to look at summer, rome so I can't go with you, but please don't drink to much you have a flight tomorrow", emma advised to me, I nodded and I waved goodbye to her and went straight to one of the bar here in bangkok.

"Give me a bottle of vodka, thank you", I exclaimed to the bartender and after a minute he comes back with my drink. I want to sobber myself for tonight, I want to forget pick for once.

I drunk the vodka and after an hour I didn't noticed that I already drunk two bottles of it, I also starting to feel dizzy, I stood up and went to the dance floor to dance and be wild tonight.

Two more hours passed, I already drunk three bottle of vodka, I also strating to feel an headache. I get my phone and dial a number.

"Hello?", a voice asked after a ring.

"He.........loo, hic........ emm.........can........hic you........hic fetchhhhh........me hic here .............at sunrise
.............bar, I'm hiccc.......quietttt drunk...........", I exclaimed and I ended the phone call and put my head on the table when I feel my surroundings were spinning, I will sleep for the meantime while waiting at emma.



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