23: EMMA

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"I made a hard choice that day, I kept the pain to myself for the past six years and now I'm ready let it go. I MISSED YOU SO MUCH".



I sighed as Rome ended the call, my eyes look at the phone on my hands with a sad and worried look.

"A frowned and a sad face brings bad luck to any business emma, try to cheer up", I heard p'din exclaimed as he sat down opposite to me, I gazed at him and nodded.

"I know p, don't worry I'm fine, I just talked to rome and he said that he's fine, pick was taking care of him", I informed p'din with a smile on my face, he nodded at me while he rubs the back of my hand.

"I know that rome will be fine emma, pick will take care of him, he really loves rome remember, but what I want to know is about you emma", p'din exclaimed softly to me.

"What are tou talking about p'din, I'm fine you don't need to worry about me", I said to p'din to be suprised when he puts his hand to my cheeks.

"Then tell me emma, why are you crying?", my eyes widens to that and when I put my hand on my cheeks I felt tears.

"Wha......t, I don't.......know?", I muttered in confusion but p'din just smiled at me while he goes back to his seat.

"Words can lie emma, but our heart and tears cannot, you missed him I can see that in your eyes, if not for rome you will never leave thailand", p'din exclaimed to me and I smirked and lowered my head as the tears keeps streaming from my face.

"You know p'din that's the hardest thing that I did, but for some reason I never had a heart to felt guilty cause I knew that they made a mistake to me and rome, rome looked so devastated that day he cried all night and I'm just there sitting doing nothing, I pitied him cause the one who he loves the most betrayed him like that", I narrated to p'din, as I wipes my tears.

"I'm sure that rome knew your sacrifices thats why he already made a move he gave porsche the information and courage that he needs to get you back, and now it's up to you if you're going to let him in one more time to yours and summers life", p'din informed me and I nodded in agreement.

"I knew that already p'din, rome and I are bestfriend for a long time that why I knew his every move, and I'm really thankful to him for this, all these years I'm still thinking a way to approach p'porsche but I don't have any courage to do that, but this time I will make sure that I will make everything right", I proudly exclaimed to him with now a smile full of confidence.

"That's excellent emma, atlast I can clearly see the sweet content smiles of you and rome, let's have a dinner next time with rome emms, but for now let's work first we had many clients today", p'din replied to me and I nodded as I fix myself.

"Thank you p'din for guiding rome and I for the past six years, and I hope that you continue to guide and protect us", I sincerely replied to him thay makes him smile happily.

"You can count on that emma, you and rome are my brother and sister, I won't let anyone hurts any of you", p'din replied to me while he messed my hair lovingly, we both giggles happily.


At exactly five in the afternoon, summer came running to my office with a bright smile on her face and a piece of paper on her hand.

"Mommy!!!!!", my little angel screamed in glee as I catched her into my arms, I lifted her and kissed on the cheeks.

"You look happy today my summer, did something good happened to your school?", I happily asked my daughter as we both sat at the sofa, summer nodded to me and smile.

"Nothing mommy, my teacher just lets the whole room drew something and I drew this mommy", summer exclaimed while she handed a piece of paper to me, I happily look at it to be stunned to what I saw it's a family picture, I sadly smiled to summer.


"I drew us mommy but I leave the daddy part blank, but look mommy I drew you so pretty right?", my daughter muttered but I can sensed the sadness on her tone, I onced again look at the blank face on the paper and I take a deep breath.

"Baby look at mommy!", I said as I shifted my daughter so she can look at me.

"What it is mommy?", she asked in confusion, I smiled at her and starts to carress her hair.

"Did you missed daddy, baby?", I questioned to my daughter who hurriedly nodded in shyness, she also lowered her head.

"Yes mommy, but I understand......that you don't want to talk....about him, thats why I don't asked anymore questions about him", I heard summer whispered in a low voice, I pulled her into a hug as I put my chin on her head, summer hug me back in such a sweet manner.

"Don't worry my summer, everything will be alright", I whispered back to her and she nodded.

"I know mom, I love you mommy", summer lovingly replied to me.

"I love you too my little angel", I lovingly replied to her.

"I will make everythings alright again my angel, you don't need to be sad anymore, if porsche will be your happiness, I'm willing to give him to you", I thought to myself with a tear falling from my eyes. When I looked at the doorstep I found p'din looking at me and summer with a content smile on his face. I nodded to him in happiness and he nodded back to me after that he left my office.



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