15: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.



Its saturday today here in new york. Rome, rain and I will be going out today, we're going to central park zoo, this will be our last day here in new york because we're going back tomorrow, rome decided to come with me, he also talk to din about their business, and they agreed that din will remained here for the business and rome will have a branch in thailand.

"Daddy!!!!", rain happily came downstairs with rome trailing behind him. I smiled at rome and pecked his cheeks. We are currently at his condo here in new york.

"Are you ready rain, did you bring your new camera to take pictures of the animals there", I asked to my son, who nodded with full of excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, daddy, mommy already taught me how to capture beautiful pictures, he's the best daddy!!!!", rain exclaimed in happiness as he once again hugged rome tightly. Rome gave rain the camera for him to capture so many memories with him.

"Stop this now haha, it's already nine p'pick let's go the zoo will open at ten oclock and the driving time from here to the zoo was almost one and a half hour, thats why let's go, come rome, daddy will be our driver today, let's snuggle in the backseat", I heard rome said to my son, they both run outside the condo with their hands interwined, I smiled happily as I stared to them, I'm glad that my rome was with me again, and rain really love him. I once gain look around the condo and after that I followed them, rome locked the condo and we all went at the garage to get my rented car while I'm still here in new york.

"Mommy, does the zoo here really pretty?", rain asked rome, I'm watching them from the mirror.

"Yes baby, they were so many animals there, lions, tigers, limors, and many more you will surely love that place my rain", rome happily repleid to rain while he keeps carressing the childs hair lovingly.

"Thats why prepare your camera baby, lets capture many memories!!!!", I exclaimed to them in happiness, the two nods at me with a bright smile on their faces, atlast rain and I finally find our home with rome, and I will leave everything just to stay in this time, in this moment.


We arrived at the central park exactly eleven thirty in the morning we decided to have lunch first, we found a small stall and we decided to eat there, I was in the line to order the food when a man smiled at me and looks at rome and rain.

"Your family?", the man asked me with a smile painted on his face. I looked at him and nodded.

"Your so lucky that you've found a guy like him, protect and cherished him by the way I'm pete, I assume that you're from thailand?", pete said to me, I nodded and accept his handshake.

"Yes, I'm pick nice to meet you too pete", I exclaimed in happiness, his eyes widens to what I said.

"Ohhhh, you're the owner of the biggest animal hospital in thailand, oh an honor to meet you", pete exclaimed again, I smiled and nodded to him.

"And you are you alone here?", I asked him, if he was alone I can invite him to our table, but he shakes his head and point to a man beside the window wearing a smile on his face, the man is wearing a pants and a light blue shirt.

"That's my husband kao, he likes to visit some landmarks here in new york that why we are here", pete exclaimed. We both got our order and seperates to go to our respective partners.

"Who's that p'pick?", rome asked me as I sat beside him in our table. I smile at him.

"That's pete and his husband kao, a new friend they were also came from thailand and only here for sight seeing like us", I informed him, but he smirked and look straight at me.

"P'pick remember you and rain didn't came here for sight seeing", rome said with a smirked that makes me laugh and nod.

"Yes, I forgot that we came here to get rains mommy and my love back", I replied to him.

"And I got my mommy!!!!", rain suddenly exclaimed in happiness, he got his camera and he look at me and rome. "Daddy mommy picture!!!!", rain announced, I put my arms around rome shoulder and pulled him to me, we both smiled at the camera, rain clicked it with a smile on his face.

"Wow, its pretty, nice one baby rain, you really listened to my techniques in taking a photo", rome proudly commented to my son, yes the picture was really pretty, rome put rain into his lap as he lifted the camera up.

"Now, my rain and daddy, smile!!!!", rome exclaimed, rain and I smiled lovingly to the camera, rome shoot it, and he looks at it. "Our first family picture", I heard rome exclaimed in happiness as we all look at the picture.

"Print me a copy of that rome, I will frame it, but for now let's eat and go to the central park", I announced to them, rain went down from romes lap and sat to his chair, rome nodded and we all ate our food.


After our lunch we went straight to the central park zoo, rome and rain both run inside in excitement, I slowly followed the two of them carefully watching them interact with the animals. This moment was enough for me, I can't wish for more.

"Why are you here p'pick, go play with rain there", rome said to me as he wraps his arm into mine.

"I'm happy rome, this was the first time that I saw rain this happy, he finally got the mother that he always want", I sincerely said to rome who smiled at me, we both look and watched rain as he takes pictures.

"He was happy p'pick having you beside him was enough to make that child so happy, yes he didn't felt the love that a mother can give but you filled him with your love, you filled the void in his heart, look p'pick rain grew as a kind and polite child, that is enough, so don't blame yourself anymore for what happened, cause rain is a blessing", I heard exclaimed to me, and I smiled to what eh said, yes he's right, rain was my miracle.

"I will protect the both of you rome, I will not let anyone harm you or rain, you're my life now, my family, no matter what happened I will protect you and rain, always remember that rome, I love you", I announced as I starred to romes shining eyes.

"I love you too p'pick, having you beside me is enough, I know thay you will protect and cherished me and rain, thays why I'm not scared to anything now, I won't let you go again", rome replied to me, he slowly tiptoed until his lips collides to me in a pecked.

"Come on p'pick lets have fun!!!!!", rome screamed as he pulled me to where rain is.



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