34: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"Please be safe, I know that I hurt you in the past, but that's not a good reason for the God to retrieve you from me like this".



I keep standing while my eyes were shocked, I can't move my whole body likes it's chains on the ground. I can't believe what I saw earlier, my family, my family suddenly dissappears.

"Pick, snap out of it we need to call a police!!!!", I heard my friend porsche exclaimed in panic, but no matter how much I've tried to move my body didn't follow.

"P'pick are you alright, you're turning pale!!!!", I know emma was talking but for some reason I can't hear her voice, my vision starts to blur and dark spot starts to appears.

"Pick!!!!!!!", the last thing that I heard when I suddenly falls to the ground as I let the darkness succumbs me.

"Daddy helps us!!!",

"Pick please help us, I'm afraid please love help us, find us",

"The patient are stressed resulting to his sudden collapsed but don't worry he's alright now, he just need some more rest", I heard a new voice when my concious came back, I remembered seeing rome and rain earlier they're saying something to me but I can't remember it now.

"Thank you so much doctor, we will look for him", I heard my best friend replied. Wait what I'm doing on the hospital.

"Mommy, does uncle pick will be fine?", I heard summers voice and I suddenly remembered evrything, I abruptly sat up that makes all of them suprised.

"Pick are you alright?", porsche asked me, but I refused to hear him, I starts to detached the dextrose on my arm, they suddenly screamed and stop me.

"Are you out of your mind?!!!, what the hell are you doing?", din exclaimed to me, I lift my head and look at them.

"Let me go I need to find my family, let me go!!!!", I scream to them. Worry and fear are now residing to my heart.

A sudden slap stopped me from struggling, I saw emma standing in front of me with tears on her eyes, her eyes are now looking at me angrily but full of worry.

"Wha------t", I muttered in shocked to her.

"Do you think that doing this will save your family p'pick, you're only worsen it, you only adding more wood into the fire, what if something happens to you because of your struggling like that, you will kill all of us in worry!!!!!!", emma exclaimed with tears streaming down her face now, summer holds her mothers hand to calm her down.

"You don't know what I felt right now, you all don't know how worried I'm to my family!!!", pick exclaimed back to them.

"We know, and we see more enough to be worried more about rome", din suddenly announced to them.

"P'din enough, stop don't say anymore words", emma said as she shakes her head, pick and porsche both look to them in confusion.

"What are you two talking about?", pick asked in curiosity.

Din is about to say something when pick phone suddenly ring for a call, when he look to it its an unknown number, he still decided to answer the phone.


"Hello my lovely husband", a woman voice exclaimed on the other line.

"Chingching I don't have time for you, I will hang this up!!!", pick exclaimed in irritation.

"If you hung up my call, I'm making sure that you will never see our son and your fucking bitch ahahha", chingching exclaimed with laughters that makes picks teeth grind in madness, he also grips his phone tightly.

"Don't you dare hurt them chingching, if you do something to them I will definitely kill you!!!!", pick screamed from the top of his lungs, while porsche, din and emma fisted their hands in a mixture of worry and hate.

"Daddy!!!!", I heard my son voice from the other line, my heart skip a beat in total worry when I noticed how scared rain voice is.

"Rain, baby don't worry wait for me!!!!", I screamed back to the phone.

"Enough my baby haha daddy will come don't worry, by the way pick your bitch was still sleeping like a baby here but don't worry", chingching exclaimed with laughters on the background.

"Fucking bitch don't you hurt my rome and rain", I yelled in so much anger right now.

"Haha I'm sorry pick I need to go now, If you want to see them again wait for my next call and don't you ever call any police or I will kill rome first", chingching exclaimed as she ended the call. I frustratedly pulled my hair in rage.

"We need to calm down pick, we need to think of a way to get the two of them safe", porsche exclaimed to me but I ignored him and I look straight to din.

"Tell me what happened to rome in new york when I'm not on his side", I asked seriously to din.

"Pick forget what p'din said it's nothing", emma tried to reason but I look at her sharply.

"Nothing?, are you sure about that emma, and then answer me why din suddenly said those words earlier, if that's not important why does he said those words", I said to her. I saw her avoids my eyes and with that movement I sensed that something really happens.

"But rome doesn't want you to know about those things", emma whispered to herself.

"Tell me everything din, romes was my lover and I have a right to know that", I begged to din and emma, I saw din sighed.

"I know that rome will be angry to me but you're right you have a right to know this things, it's starts six years ago", din starts, I clasped my hands together and tries to listen to what he's going to say, I need to know rome past for the past six years, cause I admitted to myself that rome never tell me everything.



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