19: PICK

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Note: sorry for the wrong grammar. English is not my first language.

"If you choose to cheat with someone, be prepared for it's consequences. Love is not a free thing it always comes with a price".



I was at my office with my lawyer. He arrived here earlier to informed me that chingching didn't sign our divorce papers.

"And why does she didn't sign these attorney, we already had an agreement about these and she's just waiting for the money that I will give to her and now that money was ready to be given to her, so why can't she just sign these damned papers!!!", I yelled in frustration while crumpling the papers on my hands, my attorney sigh and look at me.

"Sir, perhaps she know your relationship to mr rome now, we all know that she really hates your lover, she was so desperate for you sir and knowing that you and mr rome are now back again, she will definitely not giving you up sir", my attorney informed me and I found that right, I was an idiot if I just waited for chingchings signature maybe I don't have a problem like this but at the same time if I waited for so long I'm not sure if rome will be still mine.

"I know and I'm ready for this but I'm suprised that, that woman really stopping me to be happy, I already said to her that I will never love her like how I love rome, I made a mistake six years ago and I already paid for that, so why does she still doing it", I replied to my attorney as my eyes travels to the picture of me and rome with rain betweem us it was taken when we are still at new york.

"I will send the divorce papers to her lawyer again sir, but be prepared for any cases that she may filed to you and to your family, we still can't read her mind", my attorney exclaimed to me and I nodded.

"Yes, I will be prepared, I will leave this to you", I replied back to him and after that he left my office. But at the same time my rain come running straight to me.

"Daddy!!!!", rain happily exclaimed to me as he jump into my lap, I happily hug and pecked him to his cheeks.

"Hello baby, who's with you today, don't tell me that you escaped from the house again", I asked to my child, he had a habit of escaping the house and went here with our driver.

"No, p'pick he's with me!", rain and I both look at the door to find my rome brightly smiling to us with three lunch box on his hands. Rome close the door and walks to us, he lowered his head and give me a peck on my cheeks after that he put the lunch bow on my table.

"Daddy, mommy made foods for us, its so delicious come on lets have lunch. I'm starving daddy, I ran here from the lobby", my rain exclaimed to me as he pulled me to my dining table, rome and I giggles to him.

"Baby rain, I told you earlier not to run right but you still do it", rome said to rain who suddenly stops and scratch the back of his head.

"Yes, you're right mommy, hehe sorry about that", rain apologized to rome that made me smile in happiness, rome kneels infront of rain and suddenly lifted rain.

"Its alright baby, did you have fun running around like someone chasing you?", rome asked rain as he swayed his body and rain head was on romes shoulder with a content smile on his face.

"Yes, mommy I really enjoyed it, its my first time doing it, my mother never let me ran like that, she always yelled at me when I've done that, but now I'm happy look mommy the blood was flowing and alive inside my body haaha", rain exclaimed as he lifted his arms and make rome look at his arms.

"Yes baby I'm so proud to my angel, come on lets eat so you have energy to run again, but this time be careful or else you will injured yourself or you will bumped into someone", rome remind rain and rain nodded.

"Hows work p'pick?", I heard rome asked me while he is serving rain his food.

"It's alright rome a little hectic but its alright, by the way our lawyer came here earlier and he informed me about my divorce to chingching", I said to rome, I don't want to inform him about this but I already promised to him that I will not kept anything from him again.

"She didn't sign it right?", rome told me and that really suprises me.

"How did you know?", I asked him back and I saw him smile.

"I know that womans attitude p'pick she's really a hardheaded, thats why I'm pretty sure that she will not sign that papers, and I can assumed that she already knew about our relationship?", rome look at me and asked.

"Yes, and thats the reason why she didn't sign the divorce papers", I added.

"It will take a long time before she sign those papers p'pick cause I know that she still hope for your affection, let it be for now, lets do something if she do something drastic to us, for now let's eat p'pick, my dish is going to be cold if we don't eat it now, right rain?", rome exclaimed that makes my son nodded in agreement.

"Right daddy, we need to eat it now or else the taste will go away", rain added and I nodded in defeat, these two was a good team in teasing me now.

"Alright I will eat don't say anything now, hmmm its so delicious rome, I missed your cooking", I exclaimed as I taste the food, rome really know how to cook delicious foods.

"I'm glad that you liked it p'pick", rome replied to me with a bright smile. We three eat in happiness as we also talked about rains school today.


After our lunch, I excused myself from rome and rain due to some operation to a dog thats have gone to labor.

"Pick, I saw rome and rain here earlier", porsche asked me when we both left the operating room.

"Yes they are here, I left them to my office, do you want to see them?", I asked my friend who instantly shakes his head, he lowered his head.

"No, I'm just asking pick, by the way I need to go now, that dog was the last patient for this day, call me if you need me then, I'm off now bye!!", porsche exclaimed to me and after that he left to go to his office, I sighed to that, he's quite occupied today, he's just looking at me earlier while tending to that dog.

I just ignored that and I went straight to my office its already five in the afternoon, we can now go home. When I opens my office door, I saw my two angels sleeping peacefully at the sofa, rain was hugging rome. I walk to them and kneel in to them, I lifted my hand and starts to caress romes face.

"Love wake up, I'm done now, lets go home", I whispered to my lover who cutely opens his eyes and look at me with a smile on his face.

"P'pick good evening!!", rome greets me with a sweet voice while he rubs his eyes to wipe away the sleepiness.

"Come on lets go, I will carry rain", I said to him and he nodded, I carefully put rain to my arms and we left the office.

As we arrived at the lobby, all of my employees are now preparing to leave the building, they all bowed and bid goodbye to me and rome, I watched rome as he happily replied to the my employees goodbye, we both went to the garage and left the hospital.

"They all started to love you rome, I'm glad to that", I commented to rome who's sitting at the backseat with rains head on his lap.

"We are all human p'pick, if you want to be respected, respect them first. They are all my friends now", rome replied to me with a smile as he starts to caress rains hair lovingly. I watched him carefully with a smile on my lips.



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