Murphy's Law Part 2

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Everybody took their own ways, taking the time to explore a little. Most of us have never been to a Country Club, so I guess it's better late than never.

That's one good thing about the apocalypse; you actually have time to do and see things you never got to see or do. Yeah, maybe it's not the same; but beggars can't be choosers these days.

I rounded the corner of the building to find Murphy lounging in a chair with his feet kicked up on a table. Brett and Henry were by a grill cooking... something, talking amongst themselves.

Janice decided to walk up to Murphy, so I placed myself leaning against the side of the building right next to them.

"Thirsty?" She asked him, holding out a bottle of water.

"I have been since Portsmouth." Murphy exaggerated as he took the offer, grabbing the bottle and opening it to take a long sip. Janice seemed confused as she crouched next to him, seemingly trying to figure out what he meant.

"Prison? Massachusetts?" The man clarified. Janice scoffed and shook her head with a slight chuckle underlying her annoyance.

"Christ." She muttered, mostly to herself.

"I'm an alum." Murphy spoke, not exactly proudly but more in a factual manner.

"Another ex-con?" She questioned in disbelief.

"Not you?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. She doesn't look like the type of woman to have been in prison, not even on an overnight hold.

"I taught Junior High English before everything went to Hell; but Henry was in San Carols- drug smuggling, I think." She explained. Hold up, old man Henry? Eh, I'm not really that surprised.

"My kinda guy." Murphy commented as the three of us looked over to the two men by the grill, who were still communicating with each other. I tried my best to make out what they were talking about, but failed.

Before I knew it we were all heading inside, sitting around a dining table while Doc stood outside on watch. Henry was serving drinks, pouring some sort of whiskey or something into Murphy's glass.

"Yeah, and lets not be stingy with that." Murphy grabbed the neck of the bottle, making Henry fill his glass nearly to the rim. "Yeah, there you go." Seeing Murphy was satisfied, Henry moved to 10k and I.

"Got any ID?" He questioned us teasingly, causing me to roll my eyes while he poured a small amount of liquor into our glasses.

"Hmm, oh yeah. This is not that White Lightening crap. Have a taste, 10 cent and Alrighty." Murphy chuckled at his own joke of our names, causing my blood to boil.

"I'm gonna kick your ass into next week." I muttered seriously as Tommy and I took a sip. Both of our faces contorted slightly but it wasn't as bad as we thought.

"Ms. Warren?" Brett started, only to be corrected by our leader.


"Roberta, would you like to propose a toast?" Zimmerman suggested as he raised his glass.

"Sure." Warren agreed, taking a second to think before holding out her own glass. "To absent friends."

"To absent friends." We all repeated, taking a sip of our drinks. This time, I thought my drink tasted more bitter than before. I attempted to brush it off, but something was starting to feel weird.

"Mr. Murphy." Brett turned his attention to our mission, turning his body slightly to face him. "You seem to have a special way with them." He pointed out the obvious in regards to Murphy's relationship with the zombies, clearly egging the man on.

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