Misadventures Part 4- "Sleepover at Homer's"

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"It's weird walking back in here after everything that's happened." Cassandra murmured as she placed her bag on the floor in the dining room. The rest of us made various sounds of agreement as we did the same.

"I kinda feel bad raiding his place after everything he did for us." Doc spoke to nobody in particular as he looked around the room we were all standing in hours prior.

"I know, but he's gonna have to help us a little more." Warren agreed with Doc as she gave us a different way to look at things. Tommy stayed quiet as he set his bag on the table, offering to take mine. I handed it to him and watched as he set it next to his.

"Alright, everybody huddle up." Warren spoke as we stood around the table. "I know everybody's tired from the day we've had, but I wanna get the search in tonight so we can leave first thing tomorrow morning."

"Are we gonna split off into groups in here too?" Murphy muttered sarcastically, making fun of the way we usually do things.

"Nah, I'm just gonna put you on a leash and tie you to the heater like a bad child in the 50's." Warren retorted, causing the rest of us to laugh.

"Whatever." The bratty man-child muttered as he crossed his arms over his chest. Warren let us settle down before speaking again.

"Remember what we need. Food, water, ammo, medical supplies; same as always. Homer seemed pretty well stocked so we shouldn't have too much trouble. That bag of artillery he had before we went back to the reactor is already in the truck, and it seemed like that was his entire supply. But, maybe we'll get lucky and he'll have more presents laying around. Let's do this quick so we can get some rest."

"Who's taking first watch?" Doc inquired as Warren began walking to the next room.

"I think we should be fine, considering the place is surrounded with land mines and tripwires." I spoke up, remembering the ordeal it was to get in here to begin with.

"That's right, plus most of the Z's were back at the plant. I think we'll be okay enough to get at least a few hour's rest without any problems." We all nodded before separating throughout the house, 10k and I taking Homer's bedroom.

The walls were covered in pictures of he and his son. There were shots of them hunting, finishing, going to games- father-son things. It was actually really sweet.

"Being in here reminds me of Pa's room back home." Tommy spoke quietly as he examined the pictures as well.

"Do you wanna change rooms?" I questioned softly, placing a hand on his back.

"No, I'm okay." He reassured me before kissing my temple and opening one of the nightstand drawers. I watched him briefly before moving to the other side of the bed.


"Hm?" He tossed something on the bed to draw my attention to him. I grabbed the small box and inspected it.

"Ammo for your pistol." He clarified as he opened the next drawer.

"Thanks Tommy." I smiled as I went to put them in my bag before remembering it was out on the table. Instead, I placed it on the pillow that way I would remember to grab it when we left.

"Anything over there?" 10k questioned as he watched me painfully kneel down and look under the bed.

"Yup." I stood back up, holding a gallon of water above my head victoriously. Tommy chuckled before walking over and taking it from me, opening it and taking a sip.

"Refreshing." He gave me a cheesy grin as he screwed the cap back on, setting it on the bed.

"I'm sure it was." I joked as I walked to the closet.

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