Doctor of the Dead Part 2

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"What the hell are you doing?" Murphy's voice remained calm for the time being as he squinted at Warren.

"They're looking for a group of civilians transporting a prisoner." Warren explained. "I don't want anyone mistaking you for a zombie."

"Bullshit." Murphy spat. "You don't trust me. After all the times I've saved your ass?"

"Trust has got nothing to do with it." Warren, as always, kept her tone soft yet firm as she attempted to diffuse the growing situation before it really even started. "I don't want anyone piking you after we got you this far."

"Let's just get this over with." Murphy didn't hesitate before turning around and power-walking right towards the crowd of Z's, knowing they weren't going to bother him any.

The rest of us jumped out of the van, weapons ready, but it was too late. Murphy had already gained a solid 15 feet on us by the time our feet had even hit the dirt.

"Hey!" Warren called after him as Doc, Warren and I attempted to follow, leaving 10k in the vehicle with Cassandra.

"Don't shout." I warned, not excited about how I knew this situation was going down, and what the result was inevitably going to be.

"Murphy!" Doc called out next, dismissing my warning instantly. Oh boy.

Slowly, the group of Z's that were up until now unaware of our presence behind them, slowly started to turn. I took a step back towards the van, the closest shelter we had access to. We don't have enough ammo between us to even get them down to a manageable number with our various non-projectile weapons. There was no way we would be able to fight them all.

Doc, however, seemingly had more faith than I did. He cocked his gun, that one click sending the Z's into a roaring frenzy. Murphy turned towards us and continued walking backwards, giving us a double thumbs up as the zombies pushed past him, heading straight for their next meal. Us.

"Shit!" I yelled as we all clambered not-so-gracefully back into the van. I practically landed on top of Cassandra before whipping myself around and slamming the door, hearing the front two doors close once Doc and Warren were safely inside.

No sooner than Doc closed his door did a particularly ugly Z throw itself against his partially opened window, the old man cranking with all the speed he could muster to roll it back up.

The van rocked with the force of the monsters batting against it on all sides.

"I'm gonna kill that little shit." I sneered, punching the wall of the van with the side of my hand. Nobody responded as we thought of what to do next. Murphy on the other hand? He stopped right outside those doors and watched as the zombies did everything they could to break into our safety.

"How much ammo do we got?" Warren changed positions in her seat so she could look at all of us.

"Two bullets." 10k answered quick, myself right behind him.

"One and my lucky." I sighed. I really did not want to have to use my lucky, but if it meant life or death, I would have to make an exception. Warren looked at Doc next.

"I got..." He paused to check. "One."

"One?" Warren gasped out.

"I told you before, Warren." I reminded her of what I had said before, after CZ told us about this place. We were low on ammo, and I meant it.

Not knowing what else to do, our leader cracked her window about an inch or so and started to shout for the man of the hour- Murphy.

"What?!" He shouted back, or at least I think that's what he said. It's hard to hear over everything. Warren motioned for him to come back, knowing damn well he could see her.

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