Misadventures Part 5 (Part 2)- "Relax"

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Surprisingly enough, Murphy was the first one to the river. The five of us watched as he sprinted out of the cabin, through the backyard and onto the large pier my uncle built on the water when he and my aunt first moved here.

"I don't think I've ever seen that man run so fast." I commented as I leaned on the frame to the French doors that opened to the back deck.

"I didn't even know he could get excited." Doc joked, causing the rest of us to chuckle.

"Come on in, the water's fine!" Murphy shouted as he waded in the shallowest part of the water.

"I guess that's our cue." Warren cocked a brow as she was the first to leave, making her way to the water. Doc was next, then Cassandra, then 10k and I.

"'Bout damn time you guys decided to show up." Murphy muttered.

"Sorry some of us decided we didn't feel like running. You know, after running every day for three years?" Cassandra remarked. Murphy mocked her before dipping his head underwater, popping back up a few seconds later and wiping his eyes.


"Even he's in a good mood." I joked as I looked at 10k, who's gun was in his hands as he was looking over his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Just makes me nervous that this place is so open to Z's." He mumbled, eyes scanning his surroundings carefully. I rolled my eyes in a playful manner and started walking back towards the cabin.

"Follow me." I instructed, not bothering to look over my shoulder to see if he was following; I knew he was.

"Where are we going?" He questioned as I led him around the front of the house and to the end of the driveway. Not answering him, I simply held my arm out so he would stop, and walked to a tree on the corner of the property. I inspected the trunk for a moment before finding what I was looking for.

"Bingo." I muttered to myself as I pressed the small red button on the inconspicuous looking device. It beeped twice to signal it was on, and I smugly walked back over to my confused-looking boyfriend. "Can we go swim now?"

"What did that do?" He asked as he went to walk towards it, but I stopped him.

"It's an invisible trip-laser. My uncle had it set up when some asshole broke in here a couple years Pre-Z. It runs along the front and sides of the property, and sets an alarm off if anything above 3 feet breaks it."

"Oh, cool."

"I know. Now, relax. We finally have a day or two off, and you're not allowed to be 10k as long as we're here. Today, you're Tommy. Got it?" He gave me a look when I said his name but slowly let his shoulders relax.

"Yes, ma'am." I laughed softly at his response before kissing his cheek and taking his gun from him. His grip tightened on it and I raised my eyebrows.

"Drop it, boy." I teased.

"Can it at least be close by?"

"Fine, how about it stays by the fire pit next to the pier?" I compromised, he nodded in agreement and I led him back to our group.

"Where did you two disappear to?" Cassandra interrogated us, her tone suggestive.

"Security check." I replied vaguely, placing Tommy's best friend in a lawn chair carefully before walking out onto the pier.

"Lame." Doc huffed as he dipped his head under the surprisingly clear water, coming back up and brushing his hair out of his face after a few seconds.

"You're lame." I muttered my kindergarten-leven insult as I made my way over to a large wooden chest that was built-in to the pier.

"Where're you going now?" Warren questioned as she watched my spontaneous action.

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