Misadventures Part 7 (Part 2)- ...The Bad...

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As Nikki and Tyler faded into the distance, the lot of us made our way back to the truck.

"So, what's the plan now? Keep moving forward and be killed by crazy people, or work our way around and, most likely, be killed by another group of crazy people?" Murphy interrogated Warren sarcastically.

"Enough, Murphy. We continue on, same as always." Warren kept her answer short and sweet as she jumped back into the truck.

"And you're acting like there's more humans left in the world than there really is." My addition to the conversation went unnoticed.

"Lovely." Murphy muttered as he jumped in the back. The rest of us sat wherever, 10k and I in the bed as usual.

The engine stuttered, then stuttered again, then finally started. Thank God. If Warren has to hit some crazy person with the truck, she will- and I'm here for it.

The roar of the engine was short lived, as we came to a halt only a mile down the road. I mean, this was a sudden halt, accompanied by a loud crash. 10k and I were thrown into the back window and then flung back towards the hatch, we could hear everybody inside get tossed around as well.

"What the fuck was that?!" I shouted as I grabbed my gun and jumped out.


That's what it was.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Warren shouted as she threw her door open and jumped out, everybody else clambering out of the destroyed vehicle as well- brought back to action by Warren's foul language.

Three of those big cement barricades were placed across the road, painted to blend in with the road beyond them. Whoever did this, knew exactly what they were doing with a brush.

We didn't even know what we were looking at until we walked around and saw the back of them.

"I guess these people really are crazy!" Doc shouted as he tore his bag from the back seat.

"Warren..." I started my sentence, but didn't dare finish it. We were all thinking the exact same thing.

It's a trap.

In seconds we were all on high alert- weapons drawn, eyes and ears peeled for any sign that we weren't alone. Any movement in the shrubs, a snap of a twig beyond the tree line.

One of us would have caught it.

Everything stayed quiet, not even a bird was chirping.

"Alright, here's what we're gonna do." Warren pulled out a map and walked around to the bed of the truck, the rest of us following silently.

She rolled the map out and took a look.

"Alright, so it looks like this road is the fastest way through the town."

"But it's probably swarming with those people." 10k pointed out.

"Right. So, here's what we're gonna do. There's a different town just south of here, maybe a three hour walk. We'll head there, hunker down for the night and figure out what we're gonna do in the morning."

"We're just gonna waste the rest of the day there?" Murphy snorted.

"We can use the time to gather anything useful, maybe try to contact Citizen Z. We'll all stay in pairs in different buildings, but close by in case there's trouble."

"Why wouldn't we all stay together?" Cassandra questioned, leaning on the truck for support. That damn leg better get better- fast.

"Just in case one of us gets caught." I spoke the grim truth of what could happen with these people around. "We can move lighter, quieter. And, worst case, they don't get as much of our supply."

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