Going Nuclear Part 5

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"Out of my way, sonny." Homer demanded as he stopped walking to avoid running into 10k.

"I'm sorry, you need back up." Thomas' voice was assertive as he stood his ground. Attractive, but worrying.

"10k." I begged, taking a step back to encourage him to follow. He glanced at me over Homer's shoulder.

"I'll be okay, Alrrami." He looked at me with promising eyes.

"Suit yourself." Homer muttered, not seeing the point in continuing the argument.

"You guys go, I've got it." He reassured Doc and I. I ran over and gave him a tight hug after grabbing the radio from Doc, rigging it so it would stay on before giving it to 10k.

"Take this- we hear everything. You come back to me, Ten Thousand." I warned as he hugged me back.

"Alright, go on. Move it!" Homer shouted as he started walking towards the core.

"Come on!" Doc rushed me as I hesitantly let go of 10k. I gave him one last look before running after Doc and out of the building.

"I hate this." I muttered as we made it out of the reactor, walking to a body of water behind the it to clean up.

"I know." Doc agreed as we took our suits off. I sat on a rock and held the radio up to my ear, only to be greeted with a lot of commotion before things calmed down and Tommy spoke up.

"That guy came outta nowhere, I couldn't move fast enough." Letting out a sigh and rubbing my face with my free hand, I looked up at Doc.

"Homer." I stated simply, him nodding at my observation.

"It's one of those good news, really really bad news things. The suits breached." I couldn't tell what Homer was feeling, but I knew he was probably worried.

"Can I tape it up?" Tommy asked hopefully. Even I knew that wasn't going to work.

"Son, I've accumulated so many rads in my life, I was probably a dead man the moment I walked through the gate." Homer spoke the grim truth.

"There's gotta be something I can do." 10k pleaded.

"Aren't you gonna add to your count?" The older man changed the subject.

"2,316." 10k mumbled. Homer chuckled slightly before talking.

"You know, you're a good kid. Strong, smart- like my son Max. I just hope to God you have better luck."

"You're a lot like my dad, too." Tommy spoke with sadness in his voice, which broke my heart.

"With the same bad luck?" Homer paused before speaking again. "You need to go on- for all of us. Promise me that. Live the life my son never had. Cherish your girl out there. Love her, protect her. Promise me." I felt tears prick my eyes but quickly blinked them away. There was a silence, probably Thomas nodding,  before Homer spoke again.

"We need to get up there." Homer said as he grunted, probably getting off the floor. I heard them jog for a few seconds before slowing down. "Time really is a wastin'. Let's get to it." Another pause, more anxiety.

"There's our problem; two rods didn't go down. I'm gonna have to go out there and unstick those rods; be careful not to drop me into the reactor pool- I'll be cooked instantly." I shook my head and turned the radio all the way up before setting it down, kneeling by the water to rinse my arms and face.

"We shouldn't have left them alone." I muttered as 10k's voice came through again.

"Got it." I took my jacket and t-shirt off which left me in my tank top, setting them neatly on the ground before rinsing my shoulders.

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