Resurrection Z Part 1

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We were driving through Hannibal Missouri, listening to CZ rant over the radio. His topic of conversation has us all thinking- or I guess thinking more about the apocalypse.

"I've decided to catalog all the theories about where the Z Virus came from." He started.

"Does this kid have anything better to do?" Doc questioned.

"Probably not." Garnett responded with a chuckle.

"Shh, I'm trying to listen." I shut everybody up.

"There's more than a few. Is it what the Zoroastrians would call Frashokereti?"

"I'm sorry, the who and the what now?" My questioned went unanswered.

"Or, are we contaminated with Amazon brain rot? Or- maybe we passed through the tail of a comet that sprinkled the Earth with zombie dust. Or; was it a Defense Department weaponized virus that escaped the lab?" Hm, let me think. A secret and lethal government project gone horribly wrong that made its way into the world? Nah, that couldn't be it.

"Or, how about self-fulfilling prophecy? Public fascination with all things zombie just willed it into existence?" I'm superstitious enough to believe that.

"As things went South, the theories got weirder. Good times for religions with an end-of-the-world scenario; the crazier the better." Oof, I remember that. The different religions protesting about The Second Coming.

"The apocalypse business was booming- at least while there was still business to boom. It reminds me of a poem by Yeats, '... and what rough beast, it's hour come round at last, slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?' What rough beast indeed."

As the truck turned off to signal a pit stop, we all took turns using the bathroom. Boy, did I have to pee. Murphy was the last to go as 10k and I sat on the edge of the tailgate with Addy perched on one of the sides while everybody else stood around us.

"No Z's in sight." Mack informed when he finished his scout, jumping into the bed and sitting across from Addy on the side. I couldn't help but stare at Murphy's appearance while his back was turned- he wasn't looking good. As if reading my mind, Doc spoke up.

"Anybody else worried about Mr. Sunshine out there?" He questioned, watching Murphy as well. Everybody else turned to look at the man in question.

"I know, he's looking worse." Garnett agreed.

"Yeah, he was pretty creepy to start with." Warren pitched in.

"Come on guys, give him a break." Addy started to defend the man. "It's the apocalypse, none of us look our best. You know, it's like one, long bad hair day." Valid point, but this is different.

"Speaking of hair, what's with all the bald patches?" Mack brought up the fact. Even from here, they were still visible.

"Maybe that vaccine is like zombie chemo?" Cassandra suggested.

"Or," 10k started, his voice cold, "maybe that vaccine isn't working." Murphy turned to look at us and we all quickly looked away. The first person I looked at was Tommy, who was already looking back at me.

"What do you think, Doc?" Garnett asked the eldest in our group when Murphy turned back around. I tore my eyes from 10k and looked at them as they spoke. Doc gave a half-hearted shrug before speaking.

"I've seen Z's look better than him." Harsh, but true.

"Will he make it to California?" Garnett pushed, sounding unsure of the question himself.

"If we haul ass." I muttered heartlessly.

"If he goes zombie, we might have to put him down." Charlie thought out loud.

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