Welcome to the Fu-Bar Part 1

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(A/N: My dumbass meant to delete a draft but instead decided to delete this entire chapter. So, here I am, rewriting it. Oops.)

Driving, again. It seems we're always on the road these days. Oh wait, it's because we are. Except, today's different. Mack and Addy are on a dirt bike ahead of us, Warren's silent in the backseat, nobody's talking, and I'm leaning on 10k in the back. I guess that saying is true; a lot can change overnight. Oh, and another thing? We're waiting for Citizen Z to start reading Garnett's obituary. Addy managed to find a working radio a couple of hours ago and told him what had happened. He was pretty upset; just like the rest of us.

"Good morning, people." And so it begins. "Welcome to the third day, of the sixth month, of the year 03 A.Z. If you're listening to this, it means you're still alive- so congratulations. Or, condolences. You know- whatever." Well, he doesn't sound as chipper as usual. Then again, what did I expect? None of us are; and it's all for the same reason.

"If you're noticing more despair in my voice than usual today, it's because we lost someone special. I know, we lose people all the time; getting your face chewed off by a Z is more common than making it to your next birthday."

"Ain't that the truth." I muttered as I laid my head on 10k's shoulder. He nodded and held me closer as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

"But this guy... this ones worth mentioning. Charles Garnett, First Sargent Army National Guard Reservist was and honest to God, real life actual good guy." I felt a ping in my heart at the mention of his name as I absentmindedly gripped Tommy's shirt slightly.

"He fought for other people, not just for his own survival; and he did something that's pretty much impossible these days- he gave people hope." There's that word again.

"Remember hope? Remember thinking that we might actually come out on the other side of this thing? Yeah, that. Sargent Garnett died trying to give us a reason to hope."

"He sounds like he's about to cry." 10k whispered into my hair. I just nodded, because so was I. Listening to his obituary is proving to be more difficult than I thought.

"And for that... Sargent Charles Garnett, on behalf of a great full nation- or whatever the hell we are now- we salute you."

"You okay?" Thomas asked me as CZ ended his broadcast. I shrugged slightly as he kissed my temple.

"It's just sad." I mumbled.

"I know." I relaxed under his touch as my eyes fluttered closed. "Comfy?" He chuckled noticing my action.

"Very." I prepared to take a nap- using him as my pillow, but the moment was ruined by the sputtering of the truck. "It's always something." I sighed as I opened my eyes and sat up straight, watching as Doc pulled the truck over.

As soon as the vehicle was in park, 10k and I jumped over the side and made our way to the hood where Doc was. He opened it to see the problem, only to turn his back to the accumulating amount a smoke. 10k climbed under the truck as Mack and Addy joined us, parking and turning their bike off before walking over.

"Radiator?" Mack asked as he and Addy stood in front of us.

"Yeah." Doc answered irritably.

"Fixable?" He questioned as he peeked under the hood once the smoke cleared out enough to breath.

"Don't know." Doc replied simply.

"Gee, if only we had a mechanic." Murphy retorted sarcastically as he looked to Warren, who was the only one still in the truck. Nope, not dealing with him today. I crouched down next to the vehicle as 10k's legs disappeared under the frame completely.

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