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"Korra, give it back!"

"No, I wanna learn!" I was chasing my little sister around the crop fields. She had taken my gun while I was helping my mom sew up some holes that riddled the old blankets that were left behind by the previous owners of the farm we now called our home.

Don't get me wrong, she was handy with knives and a bow- almost better than I was. Plus, she could use smaller handguns just fine. However, mom, dad and I didn't think she was quite ready for bigger guns like my rifle.

This never stopped her from trying.

"You're too young, Kor!" I got just close enough to grab the strap dangling towards the ground, and with one quick movement had my property across my back where it belonged.

"Come on, (Y/N), please?" She gave me her classic 'just this once' look, batting her long eyelashes in front of her puppy-dog eyes. Her bright blue irises shone behind them.

With an over exasperated sigh, I relaxed my shoulders and looked her in the eye.

"Fine. But you do exactly what I say, and don't argue. Got it?" A broad, excited smile crossed her face as she bounced excitedly on her heels.

"Thank, thank you, thank you!" She giggled as she turned to run, but I grabbed her elbow before she got too ahead of herself.

"Where do you think you're going?" I cocked an eyebrow as confusion flashed across her eyes.

"To find a zombie?" Her tone told me she thought it was obvious.

"No. No, no, no. That's not how this is gonna happen." The look on her face made that little voice in my head chuckle.

"Why not? Don't you always say," she put on the best imitation of me that she could, "'the best way to learn something is by getting thrown into it.'"

"Yes, but this is different. This is a big gun, and you're a little girl. I'm not going to throw you into something that has the potential to be lethal to you, or someone else."

"I'm not little, I'm 13!"

"Your point?" I let the smug grin show proud as I turned on my heel and led her to the porch of the big farm house.

"What're you doing?" My dad questioned as he sat at the table, cleaning his own gun- his 12g Remington 870 Shotgun. He liked to call it 'Remmy'. My mom glanced up to me from the pair of his pants she was stitching up, studying her two daughters over the thin frame of her glasses, which were hanging low on the bridge of her nose.

"(Y/N)'s gonna teach me how to shoot her rifle!" Korra exclaimed excitedly. As my parents looked between each other and my dad opened his mouth to undoubtedly tear me a new one, I held a hand up; speaking before they had the chance to.

"Not exactly true. I'm showing her the basics. Eventually she's gonna have to learn how to use big guns, and there's no harm in giving her a head start." I explained quickly, meaning behind each word. I'm treading on thin ice right now, and I knew it.

My parents shared another look, seemingly having a conversation just through the looks in their eyes. I'm all to familiar with the various darting glances and seemingly random blinks between the two to have a decent idea of what was being said.

After what felt like forever, but was probably only a minute or two, my mom relaxed her shoulders and gave a hesitant nod.

My father placed the palms of his hands on the round table and pushed himself up out of the wooden rocker- establishing his dominant authority as his large frame towered over the three of us.

The Snipers of the ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now