Philly Feast Part 1

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Good old Darvy, PA. The last time I was here was four years before the apocalypse. My uncle moved here when I was young, and we were visiting him to support him while he was battling cancer. He ended up dying shortly after, but I was glad to see him one last time. As I sat in the bed of the truck reminiscing upon one of my Pre-Z adventures, I heard Cassandra's voice through the open window of the backseat.

"Why are we going this way? Philly's a dead zone." She reminded us. I got the feeling there was another reason she didn't want to enter the city, but kept quiet about it.

"Hopefully we can scavenge something without going too deep into the city." Garnett paused in thought before continuing. "If we find a working radio we can try to contact that 'Z' guy again." I looked over the side of the truck as we passed two zombies eating a woman alive. Pulling out my slingshot, I launched a small gear right into her head, deciding it wasn't right to leave her like that- there are too many Z's in the world anyway. These days, the world revolves around mercy.

"Philadelphia," Murphy started, his annoying voice ripping through my head as it dripped with sarcasm and general cockiness, "the city of love." I rolled my eyes before laying on my back, looking up at the sky. Judging by where the sun was, I'd say it was about 10am. I looked at the clouds, curious if there were any recognizable shapes in them. There was one that looked like a teacup, another that resembled Shrek, then another that reminded me of my old flip phone I had when I was 10 for "emergencies only".

"Is that what I think it is?" Warren asked everyone, not believing something right in front of her. Curiosity got the best of me as I sat up and looked back over the side of the truck, my brain also not processing what my eyes were now seeing. Charlie's shocked voice was the next to be heard as Warren slowed to a stop.

"No way... wow."

"Is that really the Liberty Bell?" Mack asked. Sure enough, there was the piece of history in question, sitting on the back of what seemed like a makeshift tow truck someone may have once used to put four wheelers on, secured by a couple of ratchet straps. Garnett started speaking as we all climbed out of the truck, walking over to it.

"'Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof'... yeah, that's it." Doc shook his head, taking in the sight.

"Three years of the zombie apocalypse and you think you've seen everything." He mumbled, Warren shrugged.

"Well, when everything went bad they probably tried to save a little history." She theorized. Murphy decided to chip in on the conversation, as if any one of us cared what he had to say.

"Yeah, well they should've known the only thing you can save is yourself. Let's go." He uttered. Warren spoke up from her position at the Bell Truck's fuel cap, unscrewing it and sticking a siphon hose into it.

"Hang on. If this thing still has fuel-" she pumped for a few seconds before releasing the air and pulling the tube out, "-and it does, maybe we can get this thing started." She looked up at Garnett who had moved to stand next to her. "Then they wouldn't have to ride out in the open like that."

"Well I'm all for that!" Doc piped up, myself simply shrugging. I liked to ride in the bed of the truck, but if riding in the cab put Warren at some type of ease, then I'm down.

"I'll get the jumper cables." Mack offered before walking back to the pickup.

"God bless the human race." Doc stated sarcastically, shaking his head as he took in the sight of the graffitied relic. I chuckled.

"99% of them dead, but there's still one jackass alive with a spray can." I spoke what was on everyone's mind, earning nods of agreement. As the conversation trailed quickly off into silence, Warren decided to peak into the cab of the truck. However, nothing's ever easy as the second she opened the door, a Z came toppling out towards her.

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