Murphy's Law Part 4

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"We've gotta be getting close." Warren mumbled as we entered a wooded area.

"Maybe, maybe not. We don't know how fast they were going, when they left; or anything really. All we know is they came this way. They could be long gone already." I pointed out, only to be proven wrong by a gunshot in the near distance.

"Did you hear that?" Doc asked quickly.

"Shit." I managed to choke out, fearing the worst.

"That sounded like a gunshot." Tommy observed, clarifying the obvious for us.

"Sure did." Warren agreed as we rounded a large curve. Just then, she slowed to a stop as we were met by a slightly promising sight.

"Looks like they left their truck." Doc commented as Warren killed the engine.

"Oh, is that what that is?" I questioned sarcastically as I opened the door, jumping out.

"And we're gonna do the same." Warren said what she wanted to before I started to speak, everybody else jumping out at her words.

"Something wrong?" 10k asked as he watched me shift anxiously on my feet.

"Always." I was surprised to hear Cassandra say the same thing as me, before I noticed her nervous energy matching my own. Glancing over my left shoulder, I watched as Warren placed her hand on their truck's driver's door handle.

"Wait!" My warning was too late as Warren pulled open the door, the car's alarm echoing throughout the woods.

"Heads up!" I shouted as a group of Z's rounded the corner. "Cover me!" I followed up my previous statement as I ran to the source of the alarm, finding a way to shut it off. If it continues, it would just draw even more unwanted attention.

Gunfire mixed with the deafening alarm and the groans and snarls of Z's as I fumbled my way through the wire connected to the door, getting it off quickly and shutting it down. By some strange coincidence, the shooting stopped at the same time.

"2,552." Tommy was the first to speak as he looked between Cass and I. "Thanks for the warning."

"You're welcome." Cassandra nodded, looking over her shoulder.

"It's practically my job at this point." I joked with my boyfriend before I looked around the group. "Well, they probably know we're coming now."

"Yeah, lets go." Warren led us further down the path that, what we hoped would, take us to Murphy.

"I can't wait to get this shit-show over with." I complained as we trudged our way forward.

"What are we gonna do when we find him?" Doc asked once again; he's full of questions today. Before Warren had time to respond, 10k jogged ahead.

"Hey, check this out." He waved us on as we moved to catch up to him. He bent over and picked up a familiar, ugly yellow jacket. Murphy was here.

"You think he left it on purpose?" Doc questioned as he eyed the article of clothing.

"He must've." Tommy responded, holding it up to get a better look.

"He definitely didn't go willingly." Roberta stated confidently, looking past 10k down the path.

"Have you met Murphy? He doesn't like going anywhere willingly." I muttered.

"We better step it up." Our leader ordered more than suggested as she picked up the pace.

"I knew she was gonna say that." Doc sighed as he followed, the rest of us doing the same.

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