Home Sweet Zombie Part 2

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This poor girl is trying so hard to hold it together for her husband; she reminds me of myself back in Philly when Addy and I were kidnapped. I watched as Mack helped Doc move the man, who's name we learned was Rick, off the floor and into a rocking chair. I pulled the lever that brought the foot rest out at Doc's request and looked at the newly encountered couple. He really doesn't look good- but I don't have the heart to tell her that.

"You're gonna be okay, he's a doctor." The woman, Jane spoke to her husband as she brushed his hair out of his face.

"Uh, well, they sorta just call me 'Doc'." I looked at the older man like he was crazy.

"Why would you tell them that?" I whispered. He just shrugged.

"No, no doctor. I just... need a nap." Rick mumbled out, his eyes closing slowly. I instinctively placed my hand on my pistol.

"Oh, that- no, that wouldn't be good, dude." Doc tried talking to him as he shook Rick's legs in an attempt to keep him awake. "Do not nap." He looked at Jane. "Don't let him fall asleep, he's got a bad concussion- at least." He warned the worried wife.

"Rick? Rick!" She called to her husband, who was no longer conscious. "Help him!" She yelled to Doc, who seemed to be flustered. Just then, Mack and Addy came up from the basement. I made eye contact with Mack and nodded towards Rick- telling him to keep an eye on the situation. He nodded once in understanding before turning to everybody.

"Basement's clear." He informed us as I walked into the kitchen, only to be greeted by 10k who was already looking through cupboards.

"Anything good?" I asked as I opened a drawer.

"The cupboards are pretty stocked up. Lots of canned food and some water." He noted before helping me look through the drawers.

"No batteries, no radio, no first aid." I listed out the disappointments.

"Let's go let them know." Tommy suggested. I nodded once before following him back into the living room where it looked like we were interrupting something.

"Kitchen was pretty well stocked up." Ten Thousand shared our findings with the rest of the group.

"There's water and canned food; no medical supplies, no batteries though."

"We need to get our communications up." Garnett spoke before turning to Thomas and I. "You two go out into the neighborhood; see what you can find- but don't go too far. Be sure to get back before the storm hits." The two of us nodded before grabbing what we needed and walking towards the door.

"Janey, what are all these people doing here? My parents will be home for dinner any minute." Was the last thing I heard before we closed the door behind us, jogging towards town.

"Do you think he's gonna make it?" Thomas asked me as we fought the wind.

"Is that a joke?" I teased before giving my serious answer. "It's 50/50. Unless Doc can figure out how to get his brain to stop swelling, he's gonna turn by the time we get back." Tommy didn't say anything else until we entered the first building. No zombies were in sight, so we walked right in- remaining cautious. I was stopped by his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asked me when I turned to face him. I cocked an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"No offense, but something seems off about you today. You're more sarcastic than usual, and you have a more grim outlook on things than normal." Wow, can't believe he noticed that.

"Yeah, just nervous about this storm." I lied. I knew why I was acting like this- because I'm thinking too much; too much about Ten Thousand.

"(Y/N), I know you well enough to know when you're lying." He informed me. I sighed and looked away. Should I tell him?

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