Going Nuclear Part 2

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When we made it to their base of operations, Wilbur had us all sit down so he could scan us with some sort of machine that apparently detects radiation levels in our bodies.

"What are these?" Doc questioned as Amelia handed him a pill.

"Iodine." Amelia replied simply. Doc seemed disappointed as he rolled the pill around in his hand briefly.

"Oh." He spoke unenthusiastically, the disappointment clear in his voice.

"It'll keep the radiation from accumulating in your thyroid." Amelia explained slowly.

"Yeah. Right." Doc muttered as he took the pill. I watched as Wilbur finished scanning 10k before turning the machine off and setting it down.

"It looks like you're still within safe levels, but you're lucky we came along when we did. Most of the Z's around here are highly radioactive." He informed us as Amelia handed us each an iodine pill. I popped mine in and swallowed it quickly, not wanting to know what it tasted like.

"As if being brain-eating zombies wasn't bad enough." Doc spoke a fact.

"Okay, question." Murphy spoke up as he walked over to the rest of us. "Shouldn't we be in one of those suits too?" He questioned, referring to the yellow radiation suits the father-daughter duo were wearing when they found us.

"Radiation levels aren't too bad out here." Wilbur explained with a chuckle. He wheezed slightly before continuing. "But you'll probably get cancer in 20 years." I laughed softly before leaning on 10k lazily.

"Somehow that's way down on my list of worries." I spoke, Warren nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, but our more immediate problem is the reactor core melting down. We don't fix it soon, then everything within a 300 mile radius will be glowing- not just the Z's." I'm sorry, what? Was that not important enough to mention sooner?

"Okay, well." Murphy started as he walked over to the pink spiked bag he stole from the dead family back in Kansas, picking it up off the floor and draping it over his shoulder. "It's been nice meeting you. We have places to be; places at least 300 miles from here." He started walking out of the building before Wilbur stopped him.

"Good luck with that. Every vehicle in town is gone or, heh, can't be driven."

"Then I guess we better start walking." Murphy retorted.

"You won't make it. We have less than 48 hours before the core starts to melt down." Again, would've been real nice to mention that sooner. I instinctively grabbed 10k's pant leg out of worry. He responded by rubbing my lower back in soothing circles- even though I could tell that he was worried too.

"Why are you still here?" Cassandra asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Because there's still a chance to shut this thing down and save a big part of God's country from being irradiated for the next 10,000 years. Besides," he held his hand up in front of him and inspected the effects from the radiation poisoning he was suffering, letting out a single cough before continuing, "I'm already a goner." Amelia looked away from her dying father, not able to handle the grim truth. I can't blame her; I wouldn't be able to either.

"Well what about your daughter? Did she sign up for this suicide mission too?" Murphy spoke, his voice nearing a yell.

"I am sticking around to help my dad." She barked in response to Murphy's comment.

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