Murphy's Law Part 3

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"Oh, shit." Warren? I must be awake now.

"Where am I?" Doc squealed out as he woke up, totally masculine-like.

"I'm awake." Tommy mumbled from directly to my right. I heard Cassandra groan as she woke, and opened my eyes. I looked to my left in the I-just-woke-up daze, and adrenaline rushed to my brain as I jumped on top of Tommy at what I saw.

"Uh, guys?" I shouted, making them aware of the fat zombie I was cuffed too. This is also the moment I realized that I wasn't only cuffed to the zombie, but to 10k.

We were all chained together in a row; starting with Warren. To her right she was chained to a rail, to her left was Doc, to his left was Cassandra, to her left 10k, to his left me, and to my left the zombie.

"Okay, uh, everybody hold on." Warren spoke as she looked for anything to help our current situation.

"Not really an option right now." I attempted to calm my panic as I continued moving closer to Tommy while the Z snarled and snapped its teeth at me.

"Where's Murphy?" Doc questioned as he looked around, just now realizing our mission wasn't present.

"Murphy!" Cassandra called, followed by Doc and 10k.

"Zombie!" I shouted, reminding them that Murphy wasn't exactly the priority right now.

"Okay, anyone see anything sharp?" Warren turned her focus back to the task on hand as everybody started looking around.

"And make sure it's long- this guys pretty fat." I tried to joke, it being my weird way to stay calm.

"Now's not the time." Tommy muttered into my ear, causing chills to run down my spine. 'And now's not the time for that.' I thought, before turning my attention to Doc as he spoke.

"Well, there's all these golf tees on the floor."

"Too short." Cass took the words right out of my mouth.

"Well, I got something under here. It's in my..." He tried to roll onto his side. "10k, get it."

"Ow!" Tommy grunted as the cuff pulled uncomfortably on his wrist at Doc's action.

"You got it?"

"Um..." Tommy held something up but I couldn't quite see what it was, since my attention was mostly on the unwanted guest at our little tea party.

"Oh- no, that's not sharp enough." Doc muttered as he took back whatever 10k had in his hand.

"Okay, uh... uh, uh- oh, look! There's something on the bar!" Warren's sharp eye came in handy as Doc pulled an umbrella off the counter, positioning it so himself, Cassandra, Thomas and I could grab it.

"Okay, on three. One." Doc started the countdown.

"Two." 10k continued.

"Three!" I shouted as we all shoved the tip of the umbrella into the zombie's head, killing it instantly. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room as we all took a moment to calm our heart rates.

"Okay, now how do get outta these?"

"Can we bust that rail?" Thomas suggested as I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling itchy all over. That zombie could have bit me while I was unconscious, and that did not sit well with me.

"Well, if we can't, it ain't gonna be for lack of tryin'." Doc spoke, but before we could attempt anything Warren had already bent down and gotten a golf tee in her mouth. She looked at Doc as she sat upright.

"If you say anything golf-related," she started as she adjusted the piece between her teeth, "I'll poke you with it." With her threat being said, she got to work picking the lock on her cuffs.

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