Puppies and Kittens Part 1

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3rd  Person POV

Warren met Garnett at the water's edge, upon his request. "What we got?" She asked as she accepted the binoculars from her friend, looking through them.

"Not sure. It looks like two men; sent out some sort of distress signal."

"What're you thinking?" Warren questioned, handing him his binoculars back. Garnett started clicking his flashlight on and off to signal the mysterious men. After a quick conversation about Nana Grizwald, Warren spoke up. "Ah, here they come."

"I'll handle the meet n' greet, you cover me."

"Don't worry," Warren started as she raised her shotgun, "things go south, hit the ground and I'll take care of the rest." Garnett nodded and walked into the open, pointing his flashlight at the strangers that had made their way to the bank.

"That's far enough, gentlemen. Identify yourselves and state your business. A team of snipers has you covered, so no sudden moves."

"Lieutenant Mark Hammond, Delta Force. At least I was when there was still a Delta Force." The man introduced himself. He was a black man, still wearing his uniform. He continued. "I'm on a mission for what's left of the government, and I need your help." Garnett cocked an eyebrow.

"What mission? And what government?"

"Look," Hammond started, "I don't know if anyone that gave me the order is still alive. I do know that it is imperative that I get this person," he motioned to the quiet, disheveled man behind him, "to a medical lab in California- alive." Warren emerged from her hiding and lowered her gun slightly.

"Well, I guess I won't shoot him- yet." She stood beside Garnett, who was eying the man Hammond was escorting suspiciously.

"Who is he, some kind of doctor?" Garnett interrogated, turning his attention back to Hammond, who shrugged.

"Eh, not exactly. His name's Murphy, and he may just be the last best chance to save humanity." Warren and Garnett shared a look before looking back at the two men. They both knew one thing- this was bound to get interesting.


Back at Camp Blue Sky, Hammond talked to Garnett and Warren while Murphy stuffed his face with just about everything he could get his hands on.

"All we need are some basic supplies and transportation as far south as Tappan Zee Bridge; we're meeting a new team there and they can take us the rest of the way to California." Hammond requested, looking up at the two.

"California sure is a hell of a long way." Matthias, another camp member and the two leader's right hand, pointed out from the entrance of the mess-hall tent. Warren nodded before chipping in.

"And Tappan Zee Bridge is a hell of a long way." Hammond sighed.

"I wouldn't ask but it is imperative and I am out of options." Garnett seemed in thought before he asked a question that had crossed Warren's mind as well.

"How'd you find out about this place?"

"An ex-cop and some others taking shelter in a prison about 20 clicks up the road? Said there was some National Guard that set up a camp, might be able to help us out."

"Ex- National Guard." Warren corrected with a slight nod. Garnett nodded and spoke.

"Yeah, I was with the Georgia National Guard, born here, was activated out of Missouri. But, as far as I know, we're the only one's left of our unit." Garnett sent a glance to Warren while Hammond leaned back a bit and sighed.

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