Going Nuclear Part 1

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(A/N: Yes, I am skipping "Die Zombie Die... Again" because that entire episode is based on Mack and Addy's story and has nothing to do with you and 10k. If you would like me to, I can write an installment of Misadventures to take its place- let me know!)

"Is this entire state uphill?" Murphy complained as we walked through the woods. "Where are we anyway?"

"According to this map," Warren started as she glanced down at the map she held in her hands, "we're in The Black Hills of South Dakota."

"I miss the truck." Cassandra whined.

"At least we're out of that damn hoard." I pointed out as I reached for 10k's hand. He took it and laced our fingers together.

"There's nothing to kill out here." He huffed in annoyance.

"That's fine by me." Warren declared.

"Speak for yourself." I muttered, earning a nod in agreement from Ten Thousand.

"We need to find a place to make camp soon." Doc grunted. "My dogs is gettin' tired."

"Well there's supposed to be a little town nearby called Edgemont. I'll take a compass reading at this next ridge up here." Warren spoke.

"Can't we just take a break?" Doc whined.

"A quick one." Warren agreed as we stopped walking. I let go of 10k's hand to hunch over, resting my palms on my knees and taking a deep breath.

"Oh my God, look." Cassandra sounded upset which caused all of us to turn and walk over to her, taking in the sight she was beholding.

"Now who in the hell did that?" Warren questioned as the six of us stood in a line, looking up.

"Some daredevil with a sick sense of humor and a death wish?" I suggested, leaning on 10k.

"Probably the same jackass that tagged the Liberty Bell." Doc spoke as he shook his head in disapproval.

"Is that Mount Rushmore?" Thomas questioned as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Was." I spoke as I looked at the graffitied piece of history, each of the 4 presidents made to look like zombies.

"This is why we can't have nice things." Murphy muttered.

"I think it's awesome." 10k spoke with a grin on his face; Doc slapped his right arm- which was down by his side and not around me- while I slapped his stomach. He looked at us confused, but his grin never left his face. Warren chuckled.

"If I ever catch who did that, they're gonna get a whoopin'. Come on, let's find that town; it's gonna get dark soon." She started walking as the rest of us took one final look at the ruined piece of history before following her, 10k keeping his arm over my shoulders.

"I thought we were taking a break?" Murphy grumbled out as he followed the rest of us.

"Looks like break time's over." I said as I wrapped an arm around 10k's waist, sliding it between his back and his bag.

"What she said." Warren spoke up as we made our way through the woods.

"I'm bored." I complained after five more minutes of trudging through the woods.

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