Full Metal Zombie Part 5

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(A/N): Incredibly long chapter up ahead. By the time I had finished writing the episode's story line I hadn't quite reached my 2,000 word limit, so I gave you a backstory! That means this chapter is nearly 4,000 words long. (3,846 to be exact). Enjoy!


"I've been waiting for you." Was all he said before he hit the switch. Thankfully, he was met with a click. He tried a few more times, each one bringing the same result. God, I know I've been a bitch to you today- but seriously, thank you.

"Ah, crap. Nothin' works anymore." The general huffed, tossing the over-extreme weapon onto the conference table. "Nothin'." He said again, sitting in an office chair at the head of the table. He slouched slightly with his hands on his knees and looked at us. "What do you people want, anyway?"

"We're on a mission that just might save the human race." Garnett spoke calmly and clearly as he grabbed Murphy by his sleeve and pulled him forward. "This man has antibodies in his blood needed to make a zombie vaccine. We have been tasked with getting him to a CDC lab in California- alive. We need your helicopter."

The general sat there quietly, thinking. I could practically see the gears in his head turning as he eyes us down, looking for any sign of dishonesty. Sorry buddy, you won't find any. Seemingly coming to a conclusion, he let out a manic chuckle has he slapped his hands on his knees and stood.

"Well, hell! Why didn't you say so sooner?" Uh, bitch, we did. "I'll fly you there myself!" As we followed him to the roof, I looked to Mack.

"Are we sure we can trust him to fly a plane?" I asked under my breath, bewildered by the fact. He simply shrugged. As we approached the chopper, my jaw dropped. It's completely decrepit. I'm not an aerodynamics expert, but I'm pretty positive that that chopper is not operational.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" The general asked, admiring the piece of technology.

"Is this some kind of joke?" I asked, not bothering to bite my tongue. I was greeted with a warning look from Garnett and Warren. I felt like a child silently being scolded by her parents.

"Ah, sure she needs a little maintenance." A little? "But, with some TLC, a little help scrounging a few spare parts- I'll have you to California in no time." This can't be real. It has to be some sort of sick joke. Citizen Z, please tell me you didn't just waste our precious time with a pile of junk.

Murphy pushed past all of us, only to have Roberta and Charles grab each of his arms to stop him from reaching the crazy general.

"Jackass! A friend of mine died trying to get to that pile of junk!" Thanks for reminding me, asshole.

"You and Doc were friends?" Addy asked. Thanks for saying his name, bitch. Okay- maybe I'm a little mad at the world.

"We played cards once." Murphy muttered.

"This is war, son. We've all lost friends; hell everybody I ever knew is dead."

"Why am I not surprised?" Murphy sneered. I agree, I'm not surprised either.

"You know, I don't like you." The general spat at Murphy.

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